My Altar is located in the dormer of my bedroom.
My Tools are comprised of a wand fashioned from a virgin oak, a copper pentacle made after taking a jewelery class at Kent State, my athame bought at Magickal Childe in New York, and my cup bought at the famous Art & Crafts pottery studio, Van Briggle in Colorado Springs.
My Black Mirror is made from a glass clock face. It is the best thing for scrying, much better than a cystal ball !
"My Window Collection" is a collection of objects in my bedroom that take on an aura all its own.
"My Vanilla Witches" are based on a Vanilla Witch that my Grandmother possessed. The body and broom was formed from a vanilla bean and the rest from black material scraps. I don't have a clue to what her Vanilla Witch was intended to be used for other than maybe a Kitchen Witch. My grandmother's parents both came from Germany, so it might be German.
"Me" in my Witches Lair.