This Page is Dedicated to the Liberation of Km.T from the eurocentric, mythic "histories" designed to cast an ancient African culture adrift in an ambiguous "Mediterranean World"




The Road to Km.T

The Road to Km.T runs backwards through conventional concepts which eurocentric thinking has held about "Egypt". The people of Km.T did not call themselves "Egyptians" Europeans called them that; and most of what remains of the culture of Km.T has been refracted through lenses of the European perspective; and often with racial animus and bigotry.

In order to find Km.T, you must begin to understand what the people of Km.T said about themselves, in their own words. For this reason, you should consider learning to read the Hieroglyphs of the Ancient Nile Valley Civilization.

Since the mid-Nintenth Century, eurocentric political thought has necessitated the nullification of the African presence in History. Universities and certers of learning in the western world have been used to support this nullification.

But logic dictates that 5200 years of written history speaks to the contrary, the bias of eurocentric myths must give way.

Arm yourself with knowledge, and the enlightenment of brilliant minds who can show the reality of the history of western culture.


There seems to be an attempt by eurocentric Egyptologist to place the language of Ancient Km.T in an "Afroasiatic Language Family". But in order to do this, one must ignore a great body of evidence that points to Mdw-Ntr being an African language in the same family of languages as Wolof, Bantu, Yoruba, Ibo Hausa and many others on the African continent. The The Kiswahili-Bantu Research Unit for the Advancement of the Ancient Egyptian Language makes a very good case for the relationship between Mdw-Ntr and and Kiswahili.

Theophile Obenga continues the work of Cheikh Anta Diop and continues to make an excellent case for a relationship between Mdw-Ntr and Wolof. A small portion of Diop and Obenga's thesis can be found HERE.

The Papyrus of Ani

Often called "The Book Of The Dead" This was an Egyptian Manual for Everlasting Life.
The Full Text of Budge's translation can be found here.
Search through its Chapters for the numerous passages which have become standard doctrine in western culture over the last two thousand years.

Principles of MAÁT


Written over a thousand years before the birth of Moses, these articles of conduct form the basis of much of modern day law s.

In Pursuit of George G. M. James'
Study of African Origins in "Western Civilization"
By Yosef A. A. ben-Jochannan

Part of the The Yosef A.A. ben-Jochannan Virtual Museum

Visit the Museum

Other Sites of the Km.T Liberation Front


Know Thyself - READ!


If you read enough, then you will learn that "Know Thyself" is not a Greek proverb, but an advise carved in stone above the entrances to the Temples of Learing in Km.T.

Stop! Thief!

Thoughts on the theft of culture.

You may think that cultures constantly borrow from one another?

But when the borrower does not acknowledge that he has "borrowed", then the "Borrower" becomes a "Thief".


There is a table at the "Corner Cafe" where you can discuss, or debate issues of relevance to the liberation of Km.T. (Bring Your Own Coffee.)


-- (The Sphinx)

Be Not Afraid

The unlearned Greeks thought that the "Sphinx" of Km.T was a "Strangler"


But its African name in the ancient Km.t language, Mettu Neter (translated:"The Language of The Gods") is:


Which Means:



And according to Anthony T. Browder in it "exemplifies the eternal conquest of good over evli because he faces the eastern horizon and is physically enlightened by the Sun As It Rises Each Morning.

Go to Her-Em-Akhet and Learn What The True Scholars Say About




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