The Holy Quran

"Will they not ponder on Quran? If it had been from other than Allah they would have found therein many contradictions."

[Holy Quran, Surah Nisa, Chapter 4 and Verse 82]
The Holy Quran, being of devine authorship, reflects a perfect consistency to all who are prepared to consider it carefully. To the extent that the reader's soul is pure, and filled with the reverential fear of the Lord, it will derive benefits from the Book. The more such a person reads it, the more its wonders are discovered to him, and the more his mind and heart are attuned to its ineffable source. This beauty, spiritual symetry, and complete lack of error, are to those who look carefully and with pure heart, a sufficient proof of its divine origin.

Information on Qur'an

Information on Qur'an
Topic Index of the Qur'an
Index of Qur'an by Surah
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Statistic about Qur'an

Translation of the Holy Qur'an

Syed Maududi's Commentary on the each Chapter of the Holy Qur'an
Translation by Dr. Muhsin Khan and Dr. Muhammad Al-Hilali
In English Text Only
In Combined English and Arabic Text

Translation by Yusuf Ali
In English Text Only
In Combined English and Araboic Text

Translation by Muhammed Shakir
Translation by Marmaduke-Pickthall

Translation of the Holy Qur'an in Different Languages

Qur'an in Arabic Script
Qur'an in Spanish
Qur'an in French
Qur'an in Turkish
Qur'an in Indonesian
Qur'an in German
Search the Qur'an by word In English, Spanish, French, or German

Articles about the Holy Qur'an

Explanation of Surah al-Ikhlaas The Chapter of Purity by Shaykh-ul-Islam Taqi ad-Deen Ibn Taymiyah
The Way to the Qur'an by Khurram Murad
Golden Rules for Memorizing Qur'an by Abdur-Rahman Abdul Khaaliq
The History and Authenticity of the Qur'an
What They Say About Qur'an
The Qur'an and Modern Science
Authenticity and proof of the Qur'an as a Revelation from Allah By Abdur-Raheem Green
The Qur'an, Knowledge, and Science
Amazing Quran by Gary Miller
The Quran and Scientific Community

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