Islam and Society

"Nor did they usually forbid one another the iniquities which they commited: evil indeed were the deeds which they did.

[The Holy Quran, Surah Ma'ida, Chapter 5 and verse 62]
If a person does not try to stop some evil taking hold of society, the result will be that at some stage he too will suffer from the consequences of the evil. This has been pointed out by the Prophet in a simile. He said that the relation between an individual and his society is like of a two-story boat sailing on a river. The drinking water is in upper storey and the people in the lower storey have to get the upper story to fetch the ater. Disgusted with this labour, the people in the lower story think of making a hole in the bottom part of the lower story to get water from river and to be saved from the labour of getting to the upper storey everytime they have to fetch water. The Prophet said that if the people in the upper storey do not prevent the people below from committing this action, the result will be that the whole boat will be filled water and the people in the upper store will also drown along with the rest of the people. In this simile, the Prophet has beautifully expressed the true relation between the individual and the sociert. The the light of this, it becomes our duty to reform our society side by side with making efforts for self-improvement. We should join together in safeguarding the boat in the safety of whcih lies our own safety.

Islam and Society

Human Rights in Islam by III&E
Moral System of Islam by III&E
Giving Charity/Zakat in Islam
Are We Really the Best Ummah? A Way Forward for Muslim Activism
Assimilation of Muslims or Islamization of Knowledge
The Truth Behind "The New World Order"
Islamic mannerisms Series by Jawad Ahmed
The Effects of Sin from Al-Jawaab al-kaafi of Ibn Al-Qayyim
Unity Among Western Muslim Communities by Dr. Jafar Shaikh Idris
The Process of Choosing the Leader(Caliph) of the Muslims
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