Beginner's Guide to Search Engine

        Search engine is a kind of tool. We can find Anything, but you must acces via Internet such as : WWW, Gopher, FTP. There so many Search engines in the WWW. But most important we have to know are : Altavista, Excite, Hotbot, infoseek, Lycos, Webcrawler and Yahoo!. Last one I mention that is not search engine, Yahoo is Directory. Search engine is very powerful website, Their site is allways develope with new technology. Complete search engine is Hotbot I think until now. To find information in search engine and directory it is simple just put a "word" or phrase and type search. And Search engine will index relevan website that match with your "word" or Phrase. But If you want a specific information on their site. You have to use BOOLEAN, such as .AND., .OR. Most search engine use BOOLEAN. Lately there additional way to find anything in the search engine. If you want update information about how to get good result from search engine. Please see HELP or FAQ on their site. Because the technology of internet is allways change, and get better and better. 
        Another thing, How to get listed our website in the search engine. It is simple to get listed in search engine. Just type your URL and email click submit button and go. We have to wait about 1 days until 4 month to get listed in search engine. Until now only Altavista can listed our page with in 1-2 days. I submit to yahoo and just 4 days. And my site is listed in Yahoo! Directory. Thanks Yahoo! 
        It is simple, isn't it .But you have know about Meta tags if you want your site reachable. most search engine use meta tags. What is meta tags ? .Meta tags use for define description and keywords of your website. More information about Meta tags click here. 
        After your site get listed in search engine please check you ranking. How to do that ?. Just go to or or   Please make sure read FAQ or Help before checking. 
         Please go to the following web site for more specific information about search engine and directory, I found good resource about search engine and directory, You will know What is search engine, How they work, diference beetween Search Engine and Directory .
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