The following quotes are presented to show the attitude taken by Jehovah's Witnesses towards the Organization. This attitude has been instilled over the last several decades and it is hoped that this series of quotes will help to develop a Scriptural view of the role of the Organization and it's Biblically limited position. It is with this in mind that we ask the question:
Wherever one serves in Jehovah's organization, he is there by undeserved kindness. He remains only if he obeys. He will be truly happy only if he is QUICK to OBEY. Today willing slaves all have the privilege of being publishers of the good news. Indeed, they are under orders to preach it. (1 Cor. 9:16) In addition to this basic honor and privilege there are many places of responsibility for those who obey. There are the various categories of pioneer activity. There are the positions of service in the congregations. There are privileges of going abroad as missionaries, or of traveling as circuit, district or zone servants. Others may serve as members of Bethel families. In all these assigned places, OBEDIENCE AND LOYALTY ARE REQUIRED. The reward is joy!-Heb. 13:17.--May 1st, 1959 WT. p.271 Attain Completeness in the New World Society (All CAPS in citations mine--ED.)
This obedience and willingness to serve are what Jehovah God expects of those who accept the treasure of full-time service. Persons who are stubborn and self-willed are of no value to him. He wants servants who delight to do his will and gladly OBEY WHATEVER instructions are given them THROUGH the theocratic organization. As Christ showed humility and obedience, so should his followers. They should, therefore, be willing to GO WHEREVER the organization sends them. They should show the willingness of the prophet Isaiah, who said: "Here am I; send me." (Isa. 6:8, AS) A person with this mental attitude is eager to do Jehovah's will, and he will not hesitate to accept greater privileges of service when they are offered him, such as those of a pioneer publisher.--March 15th, 1956 WT.p.178 Is This Treasure for You?
The fact is, many things are needed to be a real Christian. The real Christian has to have a strong faith because "without faith it is impossible to please [God] well." (Hebrews 11:6) That strong faith has to be accompanied by right acts. The disciple James warned that "faith without works is dead." (James 2:26) Moreover, a Christian has to RECOGNIZE THE AUTHORITY of "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45-47)--- October 1st, 1991 WT. p.20 What Is the Key to Real Christianity?
This dispute caused a separation, however. Barnabas took Mark with him to Cyprus. Paul, with Silas as his associate, "went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the congregations." Barnabas may have been influenced by family ties, but he should have acknowledged Paul's apostleship and selection as "a chosen vessel." (Acts 9:15) And what about us? This incident should impress us with the need to recognize theocratic authority and to cooperate fully with "the faithful and discreet slave"!-Matthew 24:45-47.--June 15th, 1990 WT. p.14 Jehovah's People Made Firm in the Faith (In this quote there lies a thinly veiled claim to apostolic authority--EDITOR)
Beautifully describing those who enjoy the protection that Jehovah gives even now, Psalm 91:1, 2 says: "Anyone dwelling in the secret place of the Most High will procure himself lodging under the very shadow of the Almighty One. I will say to Jehovah: 'You are my refuge and my stronghold, my God, in whom I will trust.'" Here is a group of people who are safeguarded by God like young ones under the powerful wings of a parent bird. Their full trust is in Jehovah. They acknowledge that he is the Most High, the Almighty One. As a result, they respect theocratic AUTHORITY and submit themselves to it, whether it is exercised by parents or by "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45-47) Is that true of us individually? Like Noah, are we learning to do 'all that Jehovah commands' us and to do things his way? (Genesis 6:22) If so, we are responding to the preparation that Jehovah is giving us for deliverance into his righteous new world.--April 15th, 1990 WT.pp.20-1 Prepare for Deliverance Into a New World (In this quote, the "slave's" authority is put on a par with that of a parent to a child--EDITOR)
The apostle Paul calls the Christian congregation "God's household" and says that Jehovah's faithful Son, Jesus Christ, was placed over this household. (1 Timothy 3:15; Hebrews 3:6) In turn, CHRIST DELEGATES AUTHORITY to the members of God's household. We can see this from Jesus' words recorded at Matthew 24:45-47. He said: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings."--March 15th, 1990 WT. p.10 'The Faithful Slave' and Its Governing Body
The Friday afternoon program started with the talk "'The Faithful Slave' and Its Governing Body." Confident of the loyalty of his faithful creatures, Jehovah delegates authority. So does his Son. From among his anointed followers, "the faithful and discreet slave," HE HAS CHOSEN a few to serve as a visible governing body.--January 15th, 1990 WT. p.26 Godly Devotion-Beneficial for All Things
Recognizing that Christ is the active Head of the congregation, and that elders must submit to his right hand of authority, is a unifying factor within each body of elders. (Ephesians 1:22; Colossians 1:18; Revelation 1:16, 20; 2:1) They will seek his direction by means of the holy spirit, Bible principles, and the lead given by the Governing Body of "the faithful and discreet slave."-Matthew 24:45-47; Acts 15:2, 28; 16:4, 5. October 1st, 1988 WT. p.16 "Keep Holding Men of That Sort Dear" --(Of the three things listed, to which source of direction do the brothers look to more often? You guessed it--"To the 'Maroon Index' boys!"---EDITOR)
Jesus was also referring to the living members of this "body" on earth when he spoke of a "faithful and discreet slave," authorized to 'feed' the "domestics." (Matthew 24:45-47) Individual Christians worldwide would HAVE TO RECOGNIZE THE AUTHORITY of this "slave" if they were to be 'fed' by it.--November 1st, 1984 WT. p.16 Direct New Ones to God's Organization
This means that those who will live under God's kingdom need to conform willingly to what God's Word says. But more than that is required. They also need to show respect for the counsel and decisions of those whom God places in positions of responsibility within the Christian congregation. They cannot be persons who are going 'to do their own thing' regardless of the direction received from the "faithful and discreet slave," whom Christ has entrusted with oversight of Kingdom interests on earth. (Matt. 24:45) The apostle Peter wrote of persons who despised authority, speaking of them as "those who go on after flesh with the desire to defile it and who look down on lordship." Further describing them, the apostle says: "Daring, self-willed, they do not tremble at glorious ones [persons entrusted with oversight within God's congregation] but speak abusively."-2 Pet. 2:10.--January 15th, 1980 WT. pp.18-19 Are You a Loyal Subject of God's Government?
Since Jesus has universal authority, there remains no basis for our claiming individual preeminence and importance due to personal abilities. Christians recognize this One as their Teacher. Therefore, WHATEVER we may be able to teach as good news is from Christ THROUGH the "faithful and discreet slave," and not out of some person's private ability or originality. --February 1st, 1976 WT. p. 89 "All You Are Brothers"
Above all else, elders should demonstrate a deep respect for the Word of God by basing all their counsel on it. (2 Tim. 2:15) This means that they will studiously avoid expressing their own ideas as the authority on matters but, instead, faithfully pass on the teaching they have received from the Scriptures and from Jehovah's servant class, the "faithful and discreet slave." (Matt. 24:45; 1 Tim. 4:6, 16) ---June 15th, 1975 WT. p.374 Keep Your Senses in All Things (Brothers, do not express your own opinion, rather, express the opinion of some other imperfect man.--EDITOR)
The authorities of "the Son of his love" belong to him, were created by means of the Son, he being the instrument God used. And these authorities include not only heavenly, spiritual, invisible authorities, but also those appointed to exercise authority in the Christian congregation. Even as Jehovah had a channel to serve as an AUTHORITY or governing body in the days of the apostles and following Pentecost, A.D. 33, so today Jehovah God has a governing body, a "faithful and discreet slave" class, that oversees the work of the Christian witnesses of Jehovah in the New World society.-Matt. 24:45-47.--September 15th, 1963 WT. p.575 Questions from Readers (This last sentence expresses what is for all intents and purposes, the view commonly held by the friends in general -- that the "faithful slave" IS the Governing Body.---EDITOR)
For that reason, in his parable of the sheep and the goats, Jesus showed that others would be judged as to their worthiness of life in the new world on the basis of their attitude toward the King's brothers and the message they bear concerning the Kingdom. To speak abusively of these Kingdom ambassadors would be to show disregard for the Kingdom, for the King, and for the lordship of the One who empowered the King, Jehovah God himself. As a collective group, the remnant of these Kingdom heirs yet on earth constitute the "faithful and discreet slave," to which God has committed the Kingdom interests on earth. Under the direction of holy spirit, this "slave" has designated individuals as servants in the congregations to shepherd the flock of God. It is important that we recognize and fully co-operate with the ones to whom God has thus given special responsibility, or AUTHORITY, and not look down on the arrangement or speak abusively of those to whom these privileges have been entrusted.---September 1st, 1960 WT. p.540 Awake Worshipers in the Time of the End (As of October 15th, 1995, people are no longer being judged on this basis.--EDITOR)
This puts all in Jehovah's organization in a favored position, for we know that the arrangements within the organization are made by the loving provision of God. We accept them AS FROM God and thank him for his provisions. However, the apostle Paul soberly counsels: "We also entreat you not to accept the undeserved kindness of God and miss its purpose." (2 Cor. 6:1, NW) Let us respond to the oversight provided AS WE WOULD TO GOD. Consider an application of the point. When the one appointed as congregation servant, or any of the other servants or Bible study conductors, approaches us to encourage more consistent meeting attendance or participation in the meetings, why does he do it? Specifically, it is because God instructs that we follow such a course. "Let us hold fast the public declaration of our hope without wavering, for he is faithful that promised. And let us consider one another to incite to love and right works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near." (Heb. 10:23-25, NW) And now that servant has been appointed by the holy spirit to aid us in our ministry and to call to our mind the good counsel contained in the Bible to attend congregation meetings and there make public declaration of our hope. WE SHOULD RESPOND WITH THE SAME READINESS AS WE WOULD TO THE VOICE OF GOD. It is his means of dealing with us now.
Zechariah, father of John the Baptist, had an experience with an appointed theocratic representative that should impress this on our minds. When Gabriel, an angelic servant of God, was sent to notify him of the forthcoming birth of his son, Zechariah did not reject the announcement, but MERELY EXPRESSED SOME DOUBT, saying: "How am I to be sure of this? For I am aged and my wife is well along in years." Zechariah here failed to show due respect for theocratic authority. For this failure he was struck speechless and remained that way until the birth of John. Such experience was written for our counsel at this time.-Luke 1:18-20, NW.---(Curiously, several verses later Mary expressed the same question, "How is this to be?" Yet, Gabriel merely answered her question rather than strike her mute. Likely, Zechariah did more than merely 'express doubt', also, Zechariah's miraculous cure led many to put faith in the teachings of John the Baptist. Luke 1:57-66.---EDITOR)
Surely none would question the authority of the angel Gabriel when he spoke as a servant of God. Obedience and respect shown to that theocratic representative would demonstrate obedience and respect for the One he represented, Jehovah God. Earthly overseers represent Jehovah in their assignments just as much as heavenly ones do. At some time you may have been approached by one of the servants in the congregation, who offered some suggestions on improving or enlarging your privileges of service in the field work. How should we respond to what he says? Well, how would we respond if Jehovah himself opened the heavens and issued that counsel for us? Because we love our heavenly Father we would delight to do it! (Ps. 40:8) Well, Jehovah has opened the heavens and instructed us what to do. By sending forth his holy spirit from on high he has had recorded in his Word the admonition that we preach publicly and from house to house and that we feed the sheep by calling back on all those who showed interest when they heard the Word. Now, in this time, he has designated the "faithful and discreet slave" to oversee this work of Kingdom proclamation. To this "slave" class he has entrusted all his belongings as respects true worship on the earth. In fulfilling its assignment from Jehovah this class gives us suggestions on how to carry out our Scriptural commission to preach and uses the local theocratically designated servants to draw them to our attention and help us to apply them. While the "slave" and other appointed overseers are certainly not inspired, as were the ones used to write the Bible, yet those in the congregation show proper respect for the position they occupy by responding to counsel given because they know that this is Jehovah's provision for instructing his people at this time.-Heb. 13:7, 17.---June 15th, 1957 WT. pp.374-5 Overseers of Jehovah's People (So then, those with 'positions of oversight' in the congregation, especially the "slave" are put on an authoritative par with the angel Gabriel, and Jehovah Himself.--EDITOR)
Jehovah God is the great Theocrat. Christ Jesus is next in power and authority, then those spirit creatures who carry out the will of the Most High God. God's will alone is performed in heaven. The Theocrat's rule is law there, therefore it is a theocracy. Now on earth Jehovah's people are dedicated to do only his will; the Word of God is their law. He directs his will through his beloved Son operating through the holy angels by means of his spirit, causing the "faithful and discreet slave" class to carry out his purpose. With the anointed remnant and their faithful companions it is now a matter of doing only the will of Jehovah God. No personal purposes now, but only God's! "Let your will come to pass, as in heaven, also upon earth." (Matt. 6:10, NW) This was the prayer the Lord Jesus taught his disciples, and today it is an accomplished fact with Jehovah's chosen people. The rule of Scripture is the rule in his organization. Also the principles therein set forth are those upon which we work. Jehovah's thoughts, ways and purposes are those we follow and not our own. It is a pure theocracy. Therefore there is peace in our ranks Here again is another fulfillment of prophecy. Jehovah has blessed the wholehearted effort of his people to bring everything into line with the Scriptures. Therefore as you witness this, and if you too desire peace, prosperity and Jehovah's blessing, then bring your life into obedience to the will of Jehovah God and BE IN SUBJECTION TO THEOCRATIC RULE, RECOGNIZING THOSE WHO HAVE THE AUTHORITY OVER YOU in Jehovah's pure and happy organization.--November 15th, 1956 WT. pp.697-8 Blessings Through Service
So a world-wide fulfillment of prophecy is taking place before our eyes, all this under the direction and with the AUTHORITY of Jehovah's "faithful and discreet slave" class.--November 15th, 1956 WT. p.695 Faithful Stewardship
Those belonging to Jehovah's organization know that the "faithful and discreet slave" is a class made up of the faithful remnant of God's anointed ones, gathered now in one company and working together under the direction and AUTHORITY OF THE GOVERNING BODY of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.--November 15th, 1956 WT. p.692 Faithful Stewardship
Today Jehovah's witnesses are the only group of people holding true to God's law, his rule of action. They are loyal to the highest authorities in the universe, Jehovah and Christ Jesus, and faithfully adhere to the theocratic government, giving unswerving allegiance to it and to its King. Also these witnesses recognize the arrangement Jehovah has established by creating the "faithful and discreet slave", now having the complete responsibility over all the Master's goods and possessions on earth. They acknowledge readily and willingly the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society as the legal servant of the "faithful and discreet slave", and are LOYAL TO IT---September 15th, 1952 p.566 Loyalty the Test
Since the "faithful and discreet slave" has been entrusted with all the Master's goods, then let us view with proper mental perception that WHATEVER the 'faithful slave' does is for our good. The slave is thereby fulfilling its own obligation before Jehovah in getting His work done. Therefore the slave's will is Jehovah's will. REBELLION AGAINST THE SLAVE IS REBELLION AGAINST GOD. A proper mental attitude toward the slave's direction is a part of keeping pace with the New World society.--June 1st, 1956 WT. p.346 Keep Pace by Conforming to Theocratic Requirements
Direct Interest to the Organization: FROM OUR INITIAL CONTACT with interested persons, we should be directing their attention to the ORGANIZATION. While we may be able personally to locate scriptures and explain fundamental doctrines, we are not the source of such knowledge. EVERYTHING we have learned has come from the organization, channeled through the slave class that supplies "food at the proper time." (Matt. 24:45-47) (--Note: in this case the writer even forgot the source of the information! He has it coming FROM the organization THROUGH the slave, rather than FROM the slave THROUGH the organization. Of course God and Christ don't factor into this particular writer's formula.--EDITOR) From the start, new ones need to realize that pure worship involves more than just us or even the local congregation; there is an organized, theocratic, worldwide society operating under Jehovah's direction.
The direction we receive originates with Jehovah, who has promised to guide and teach us. (Ps. 32:8; Isa. 54:13) This instruction is disseminated PRIMARILY THROUGH OUR LITERATURE. If we can help interested ones develop a high regard for the LITERATURE, recognizing IT as a source of lifesaving instruction, they will be far more likely to read and apply ITS message than to discard it quickly. We should always present and use this literature in a way that cultivates respect for IT. This teaches new ones to APPRECIATE THE ORGANIZATION and to rely upon ITS provisions.---April 1993 Kingdom Ministry p. 3 "To the House of Jehovah Let Us Go"
Jehovah's Witnesses-The Organization Behind the Name
ON OCTOBER 6, 1990, the crowd of almost 5,000 gathered in the Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Jersey City, New Jersey, U.S.A., for the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society were about to get a surprise. The chairman, John E. Barr, informed the audience of the release of a 55-minute video entitled Jehovah's Witnesses-The Organization Behind the Name. This was the FIRST VIDEO EVER produced by the Society, but certainly not the last.
The video shows how Jehovah's people are organized to witness to the divine name and publish the "good news of the kingdom." (Matthew 24:14) The headquarters at Brooklyn, New York, and the facilities at Watchtower Farms are highlighted. More than 500,000 copies in English have been produced, and it is now (or will soon be) available in 26 other languages. What Has Been the Response? Those who study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses have benefited by viewing the video. The following explains why:
"I study the Bible with a young man who is 20 years old and who attends the local university. He has been concerned about the worsening world situation. But after viewing the tape and seeing all those fine young Bethel brothers with a real purpose in life, his entire attitude has changed. He attended our Special Assembly Day and asked to study the Bible twice a week. Another Bible student, a high-school teacher, borrowed the video to show to her relatives. They thought Jehovah's Witnesses were JUST SOME WEAK, UNPOPULAR, SMALL ORGANIZATION. They were stunned at the global nature of our work and the difference we are making, thanks to Jehovah."-J. B.
"Words cannot express the joy I felt when a woman with whom I study the Bible burst into tears of joy and appreciation after seeing this video. She said tearfully: 'How can anyone not see that this is the organization of the true God, Jehovah? I never knew that such people existed.' And then she said: 'I want to get baptized.'"-C. D.
Even those who have been Jehovah's Witnesses for many years have been moved by what they saw.
"If the video leaves such an impact on us as Jehovah's people, how much more will it affect others? When this system gets to be too much to handle, I take an hour of my time and visit Bethel in the comfort of my living room!"-K. B.--(NOTE: Not look to God's word for relief, visit Bethel via the tube.--EDITOR.),
"After I had seen the care and precision that goes into every piece of work, I felt like going into my room and hugging my Bible literature."-L. P. October 1st, 1992 WT. pp.30-1 Jehovah's Witnesses-The Organization Behind the Name
Consider; the Society translates our literature into hundreds of languages. This video was to be translated into some 26 languages. Yet, the revealed word of God is only translated by this 'Bible' Society into 9 languages, mostly European.
Notice too the title of this video, the FIRST video to be produced by WTBTS, was it; "JW's the GOD behind the name"? Or; "Christ, our exemplar"? No it was; "Jehovah's Witnesses; the ORGANIZATION BEHIND the name"!
With the preceding quotes in mind, consider this definition of "worship" found in the Watchtower magazine:
With these respective positions in mind we can gain a clear picture of the issue involved in the present-day situation and the reason for Jesus' strong warning given for our benefit. Did you notice that Satan's proud ambition was not only to scale forbidden heights himself, but also to exalt his throne? Where there is a throne there must of necessity be a kingdom with its subjects ruled over by the occupant of the throne. And, though it may not always be so, there is no doubt in this instance that worship is involved, which means the rendering of reverential homage and respect and adoration. Do not think of this as limited to one who attends a place of worship or goes through some form of religious service or exercise. If one renders OBEDIENT SERVICE TO SOMEONE OR SOME ORGANIZATION, whether willingly or under compulsion, LOOKING UP TO such as possessing a position of superior rulership and great AUTHORITY, then that one can Scripturally be said to be a WORSHIPPER.--September 1st, 1961 WT. p.525 Hold Your Position
The next and final article submitted is dealing with the Christian's role in relation to the governmental systems; how a person's absolute servitude and loyalty belong to God. However, for our purposes, I have SUBSTITUTED the words kings, politicians, governments and etc. with the words religious leaders, organizations and etc. and put them in [BRACKETS] If you would like to see the article without the substitutions see the reference at the end.
To Whom Do You Belong?
What choice is there? What will yours be?
WOULD you not be angry if another man demanded that your wife totally submit to him? Would you not be incensed if he demanded that your wife give her devotion and loyalty to him instead of to you, her husband?
A man would be outraged at this invasion of his husbandly rights. A wife belongs to her husband. No other person has the right to disrupt the marriage bond. Jesus Christ gave emphasis to this when he said: "Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart."-Matt. 19:6.
There is a situation similar to this today. It is in connection with the demands that [religious organizations] make on the lives of their members. In some [churches] cultic leaders rule, demanding total loyalty from their adherents. Many [sectarian organizations] seek to regulate and regiment the lives of their members wholly. They feel that the members belong to them and must do all that the rulers ask.
Yet, God is spoken of as a husband to his people who are in covenant relationship with him. The Bible puts it this way: "I [God] myself had husbandly ownership of them." (Jer. 31:32; Isa. 54:5) Because of this relationship God has the right to require his people to observe certain things that pertain only to this close, intimate arrangement. But where the [religious institutions] do not recognize this relationship, then a conflict can ensue when such demands absolute submission.
While certain duties may be rendered to a [religious organization that you voluntarily choose to be a part of,] there are other duties that must be rendered only to Almighty God because they belong only within his jurisdiction. They cannot be rendered to anyone else. Hence, the subjection of God-fearing persons to [religious organizations] is relative, not total, because no man or organization of men can rightfully demand what belongs to God.
The illustration of a husband and a wife can again be applied to this situation. A wife might rightfully go to work for another man at his place of business. But if her employer required that she submit totally to him, in all areas, including the intimate details pertaining to married life, then his demands would be out of order and could not be complied with. The employer would be demanding what the wife could rightly give only to her husband. Any pressure to get her to switch her loyalty and devotion from her husband would be wrong. The employer could rightly require only that she fulfill the obligations of her secular employment. He could not rightfully go beyond that, invading the area that belongs to her husband, and expect her to comply. As a devoted wife she could not do so.
This same principle applies to man's relationship with God. God is the Creator. He gave man life and provided him with the things necessary to sustain life. He rightfully can require something in return, as a husband who provides for his wife requires certain things of her. While God permits [religious organizations] to exercise a measure of control over individuals, as an employer might over a man's wife, He does not give such organizations of men the right of absolute control, requiring submission even in those areas that belong only to Him.
Those in covenant relationship with God have an intimate relationship with him. All who are dedicated to him must fulfill their obligations toward him. They appreciate that their loyalty, their integrity, their devotion and worship belong to God. So do their lives. They cannot sacrifice them for another cause. They appreciate that they must give total submission to God, while giving relative submission to organizations of men, including [religious organizations.] They cannot give their lives, loyalty and worship to another, when these belong only to God. To transfer to [religious organizations] such intimate aspects of one's relationship to God would be a violation of this relationship. It would be like a wife's agreeing to have intimate relations with another man not her husband. That would be adultery. For one of God's servants to give total loyalty and worship to a [religious organization] would likewise be adultery, spiritual adultery. It is as God himself explains in his Word: "Adulteresses, do you not know that the friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy of God."-Jas. 4:4.
Men in positions of [religious control] would do well to consider this: Just as a husband is angered by one who demands that his wife violate her marriage obligations, so God is angered at any who demand that his servants violate their obligations to him. When such persons go to the point of persecuting those who want to do God's will, what then? The Bible answers: "Indeed God himself will break the head of his enemies in pieces." (Ps. 68:21) God assures us that he will 'avenge the blood of his slaves.' (Rev. 19:2) "Jehovah is guarding all those loving him, but all the wicked ones he will annihilate."-Ps. 145:20.
When a person gives to a [religious organization] what belongs to it, and at the same time gives to God what belongs to God, then he is really God's slave, or servant. He belongs to God because he is maintaining the proper balance between the requirements of God and those of the organization. But when a person gives to the [religious] authorities what belongs to them and at the same time also gives to those authorities what should be given only to God, then he is in fact the slave of the [religious] authority. He belongs, not to God, but to that [religious] authority.
IT IS NOT WHOM WE THINK WE ARE SERVING THAT MATTERS. WHAT MATTERS IS WHOM WE ARE SERVING IN ACTUAL FACT. Jesus said: "No one can slave for two masters." (Matt. 6:24) The apostle Paul added: "Do you not know that if you keep presenting yourselves to anyone as slaves to obey him, you are slaves of him because you obey him?" (Rom. 6:16) No one who wants to do what is right in God's sight can disregard this vital issue of belonging to one or the other. By his actions a person shows he belongs either to God or to [religious] authorities All who want God's blessings will be concerned about determining where they stand. Where do you stand?
Paul warned: "You were bought with a price; stop becoming slaves of men." (1 Cor. 7:23) Yes, God gave his Son Jesus Christ to ransom mankind from sin and death. Therefore, whether you have the hope of heavenly life or want to live forever on the paradise earth God promises obedient ones, you should heed Paul's counsel to "stop becoming slaves of men." You will want to be like a faithful wife who loyally sticks to her husband and who does not break her marriage vows when illegal demands are made on her.
Make sure of your position before God. Apply yourself to a diligent study of his Word, the Bible. In this way you will be able to ascertain clearly what your responsibilities are toward God and toward man. Sincerely apply yourself to living the way God wants you to live. Have the same mental attitude the apostle Paul had when he said: "For both if we live, we live to Jehovah, and if we die, we die to Jehovah. Therefore both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah."-Rom. 14:8.
If you want God's blessings, you must belong to him. You must maintain the proper balance in your relationships between God and [religious authorities.] Then you can look to God for his benefits. You can say as the psalmist, who exclaimed: "O do guard my soul, for I am loyal. Save your servant-you are my God-that is trusting in you. Show me favor, O Jehovah, for to you I keep calling all day long."-Ps. 86:2, 3.
This is what the true God, Jehovah, has said, the Creator of the heavens and the grand One stretching them out; the One laying out the earth and its produce, the One giving breath to the people on it, and spirit to those walking in it: "I am Jehovah. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory, neither my praise to graven images."-Isa. 42:5, 8.
June 15th, 1964 WT. pp.357-9 To Whom Do You Belong?
As already stated, the terms "religious authorities" et al. were SUBSTITUTED by the author to make the point. The article was talking about the Christians relationship with the governmental authorities. Yet, do not the same principles apply? Would we not be among the first to point out to a Roman Catholic that his first allegiance belongs to God and Christ and NOT the Church, no matter how grandiose Her claims? Why then does this issue suddenly become a NON-ISSUE when it comes to us as Jehovah's Witnesses? Have we become guilty as were the first century Jews who superstitiously thought it something to swear by "the gold of the Temple"? Do we, in our HEARTS say "Look! What great stones!" ( compare Matthew 23:16, 17; Mark 13:1; Luke 21:5) Do we WORSHIP the created entity rather than the Creator? Are we walking by SIGHT rather than by FAITH? Decide for yourself.
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