Visit one of the Links below to learn more about our Organization
How do I become a MasonMost Worshipful Saint Joseph Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons Provides a brief history of MW St. Joseph Grand Lodge
of Texas A.F. & A.M. Also give a short biographical sketch of our past Grand Master Emeritus,
Most Worshipful M.J. Anderson, Sr. This link is being developed and should be working soon.
Mount Olive Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star Provides a brief history of Mt. Olive Grand Chapter Order
of the Eastern Star. Also provided is a biographical sketch of the past Grand Worthy Matron,
Sister Adah Canady. This link is being developed and should be working soon.
District 1 - Worshipful Brother James Bradley, Amarillo
District 2 - Worshipful Brother Lavern Johnson, Longview
District 4 & 6 - Worshipful Brother Joseph P. Vaughns, San Antonio. Click on the
Button to get additional information about this District.
District 5 & 13 - Worshipful Brother Oscar B. Reese, Waco
District 8 - Worshipful Brother Wallace Walker, Texarkana, Arkansas
District 9 & 10 - Worshipful Brother William (Bill) Frazier, Dallas
District 11 & 12 - Worshipful Brother Johnnie Blackwell, Houston
Check out our District Geographical Areas. Included cities are identified by a red dot, or in bold. Currently, only the
District 4 & 6 link is operational. Please come back soon and view the
other District information.