Ruth Chapter
#1121 is led by Worthy Matron Estella Hamilton. This Chapter was Chartered in
March of 1960. The Chapter is supported by St. Joseph Lodge #1120. Sister
Hamilton is serving her third year as Worthy Matron, and as such is bringing about
some positive changes to the Chapter.
The Officers of Ruth Chapter are:
Associate Matron, Sister Wonda Bell
Treasurer, Sister Myra McCollough
Secretary, Sister Marsha Ridyolph
Conductress, Sister Dorothy Wilkins
Associate Conductress, Sister
Glenda Smith
Warder, Sister Mary White
Chaplain, Brother Clifton Jefferson
Adah, Sister Kim Hamilton
Ruth, Sister Donna Hudson
Sister Florine Roberts
Martha, Sister Jeri Lewis-Greenard
Electa, Sister
Alberta Thomas
Ruth Chapter meets every first and third Thursday of each month for the transaction of business.