Anaximander in No Land

Mike Huber

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Anaximander in No Land

The stats indicate that you probably got here using "Anaximander" as a search term in Excite. Unfortunately, Anaximander here is just a nickname I use, not the ancient Greek philosopher you are probably looking for. Unless you know me from back when I was active in the SCA, in which case drop me a line!

Anyway, I last updated the site in October of '98, so it seemed like time to stop back in.

My little daughter found my old drawing notebook from when I was in college.She wanted to see me draw, so I indulged her for an hour.
We both liked the results.

Warning: 141K picture, kind of big and slow.

This is the number of times people have accessed this page since I reset the counter on January 1, 1998. 
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LE FastCounter


Please keep in mind that this is my personal site, not a sample of my professional work. This is something I do for fun, as a kind of personal contact. I play around on this site, and don't worry about the technical details. When I am working, I am more diligent.

Mike Huber

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