1.    “In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies

       in this:  You must  first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place,

       oblige it to control itself” ......    Federalist No. 51


     The text concludes that politics is about the “public interest”, not just “who gets what”.  Consider

     the three forms of democracy (centralism, aristotelian, and representative) and  discuss "who governs"   

     and "to what ends?" for each form.  Also explain which form you feel is best able to achieve the

     goal of politics - promoting the public interest.  Give specifics to support your answer.


2.  Explain the four themes that Tocqueville felt were keys to understanding American politics.  Give

     specifics from the Lasser reading to support your answer.


3.  Explain the meaning of political culture according to Wilson from Chapter Four.  Include specifics

     such as the important elements of the American view of the political system, sources of the American

     political culture and the role of Americanism.


4.  Explain the relationship between “mistrust of government” and “political efficacy”.  Give specifics

     from Wilson and class to support your answer.


5.  AP QUESTION - (required) 

     Critically evaluate evidence that both supports and refutes the statement that "politics rather than

     the public interest controls the public policy agenda" in two of the following areas:

1.        passage of the 1994 Crime Bill

2.        debate over President Clinton's healthcare legislation

3.        President Clinton's policy toward Haiti