Used for spacing. shared a link to this FAQ via an inner page. However, the page opted to lead people to does contain important copyright and information pertinent to the legal usage of this FAQ. -- Secretive

Tarot.Layouts.REF - complete version
Reference Guide about Tarot Layouts
Version 4.0.0 - 07/01/1996

Compiled by David C. Jones ( [Ed. Note: This is no longer his contact e-mail.]

Copyright, 1996, David Clark Jones. Please see the table of contents for the location of the full listing of the copyright notice.

"When we lay out the Tarot in the Spirit of Wisdom, we objectify the subjective, make the invisible visible and provide form for the formless. The Tarot exteriorizes the interior life, it reveals the inner life like disclosing fluid."
-- Naomi Ozaneic, _The Element Tarot Handbook_

Table of Contents
1) The Layouts

2) Layout Modifiers
    2.1) Additional Card Modifiers
    2.2) Extending the Path
    2.3) Rotating the Layout
    2.4) Yes/No Answer
    2.5) Querent Cards
      2.5.1) Personality Traits
      2.5.2) Astrology
      2.5.3) Physical Traits
      2.5.4) Open Deck
      2.5.5) Random Selection
      2.5.6) No Querent
    *2.6) Ateration of the Elements
    *2.7) Multi-line Associations
3) Useful Information
    3.1) Astrological Houses
    3.2) Planetary Symbols
    3.3) Astrological Symbols
    3.4) Divination w/ normal deck of playing cards
    3.5) Timing Information
    *3.6) Astrological House Numbering
    *3.7) The Four Elements and the Tarot
      A Lesson in Relationships between Cards
      3.7.1) Stage One: Traditional Method
      3.7.2) Stage Two: Elemental Rules
      3.7.3) Stage Three: Positions
4) Rituals of Meditation
    4.1) Mandalas
      4.1.1) Daily Focus Point
      4.1.2) Contemplation Ritual
      4.1.3) Opening the Door
    4.2) Qabalistic Cross of the Tarot Ritual (4)
    4.3) Suit and Function Meditation (14)
    4.4) Figure of Eight (22)
    4.5) Square-Triangle Layout (78)
5) Useless Information
    5.1) Copyright Notice
    5.2) Where to find this document
    5.3) Administrativia
    5.4) Who am I and how this list got started
    5.5) Really Useless Information
    *5.6) How to Use this Document.
      5.6.1) If you are new to tarot....
      5.6.2) If you are new to this document....
      5.6.3) Supplements and version numbers
      5.6.4) Paradigm Spread
      5.6.5) Maps and Legends
6) References and Thanks
7) History of this document

A - Astrological Spreads.
L - Line Spreads.
S - Specific Question Spreads.
X - Cross Subjects.
Y - Yes/No Spreads.

+ indicates new information was added to this section since v3.0.1
* indicates a totally new section in this FAQ since v3.0.1
- indicates that part or all of this section was removed and/or incorporated elsewhere

Back To Top if you want to peruse more links within the FAQ

Personal Note: I extend many thanks to David for the development of the Tarot Layout FAQ he has shared with us in the past. This provides, in my personal opinion, an excellent way for a person to try their hand at new layouts and expand upon their constant learning status as a reader - wether they say they have been reading for over 20 some odd years or 20 some odd days. *smile*

He shared a wealth of information in a condensed manner that encourages a person to seek out more information to make it less condensed in their minds thus encouraging them to create a "library" to refer to from time to time. I have divided the document into sections to help provide the ability to read the parts you want and for ease in printing. The original format of the document was as one piece. Enjoy!!!! *hugs*

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Last updated 2001 © Carol aka Secretive

Image used credited to Art Today.