For Your Noodle

--a bimonthly newsletter produced specifically, but not exclusively, by the Fusili Club--

Jovial greetings and excessive salutations, Fusiliers...You have embarked on a journey which some consider a descent into insanity...others consider it humorous. These are the archives of For Your Noodle, which in most cases is a newsletter produced by David Weinlick (Reality Engineer and Stirrer of the Sacred Cauldron) and Mark Sutton (Founder and Head Noodle). In other cases, it is created solely from the twisted machinations of the brain of the Reality Engineer. These are the words of our lives.

Well, in many cases, they are the words of other people's lives as well, but we certainly wouldn't want them to get blamed for the whole mess.

Please select any of the issues below to peruse the scrawling which has so purposefully been transferred into magnetic resonance patterns.


July and December 1998 (this new bi-monthly concept seems to be working)

March and May 1998

That issue whose creation and mailing hovered between 1997 and 1998

The fall of 1997 (not fall as in the fall of the Roman Empire...fall as in the season)

August of 1996

February of 1996

November of 1994

February of 1994

You may notice that these issues appear to be arranged in a chronological order, and your deductive reasoning may assert that the respective publication dates do not in fact appear to agree with the aforementioned publication schedule of the newsletter, which was said to be bi-monthly.
We concur, and we must heartily admit that your observations and subsequent reasoning are indeed soundly based.
It must have been an off-month.

If you wish to receive a hard copy of the current newsletter, which includes a much more interesting design, please send us your name, address, and Fusili Club title. If you lack any of the three, please invent that which you are missing. Mail the Reality Engineer


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...and brought to you by David Weinlick, Reality Engineer and Stirrer of the Sacred Cauldron.

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