Our Scout Troop

our troop

This is a picture of our Troop, the SAC Scout Troop. We consist of about 40 members and are based at St. Aloysius' College, B'kara, Malta. Our Group Scout Leader is called John A. Mizzi, but is affectionately known to us as Cubbie. Our Scout Leader is called Edward Cassola. Our Senior Patrol Leader is called Karl Tancred Gouder, but is affectionately known as Dun. His assistant is called Mark Anthony Aquilina, and he is nicknamed Pikwi. Our troop consists of four patrols - the Bulls, the Hounds, the Swifts and the Tigers. I am the Patrol Leader of the Swift Patrol. The Patrol Leader of the Tiger Patrol is called Mark Camilleri, the P.L. of the Hounds is called Kurt Dimech, and the P.L. of the Bulls is called Oliver Lautier, also known as il-Loycie. Our troop goes abroad every year as we have a travel-happy G.S.L. The latest trips have been to Holland, Belgium, England and France. This year we're off to Russia. Our troop goes to camp twice a year, a five-day camp in Easter and a ten-day camp in Summer. We also have an expedition in Gozo called the Fearless Shield competition in Gozo, which is a hike spread over two days. We intend to set up a Geocities page soon.
If you want to contact the SAC Scout Troop, then send email at radioshk@mbox.vol.net.mt .