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My name is Björn Sundgren and I work as a game manager in northen Sweden. I found your site on the internet and just have to write you to tell you how I feel. I only hope that the thoughts you have will be spred around the world, and if more hunters approached hunting the way you do, the antis would have a hard time!
You have given me a lot of reading to make my own agrument about why and how we hunt better. I have also spred your www-address around in my organisation (Swedish association for hunting and wildlife management), and it has been appreciated!
Thanks again for a great site
Look us up at this site...
This is the part of our site that is in english.
Björn Sundgren, bjorn.sundgren@jagareforbundet.se
Dolores Farmer, dolores@roanoke.infi.net
Tuck Williams aka.Bearman, www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/6408
Derek Anderson (aka Skeeter)
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/2110
My Email:moskeeter@geocities.com
Edmund A. Cook edmund@poky.srv.net
Well, where to begin....
I guess at the beginning. I'm 16 years old, and have never had a girlfrind in my life. Most of my frinds talk always about sex, and who they want to take to bed, and what they will do to them. I join in these conversations sometimes, but only out of politeness. I am usually deep into my own musings on the subject. Reading your random thoughts on kissing (something I personally have never done), I realized where my frinds have gone wrong. Sure, they seek to satisfy their physical cravings. Yet, that will leave them empty inside. They will not feel love, nor caring. Only an emptiness, of something being given up. For they will not wait until the right time. They, and all people like them, will "get the deed done", and be off with it. Yet, if people in general would pay more attention to the finer things, and remember that sex is not a necessity, but a difficult choice, they would achieve that blissful state of nirvana you allude to. I only hope that people such as myself may also achieve that. Someday.
Joseph Gallagher frogstar@juno.com
I found the psych pages fascinating...By the way, how many of these pages did you write? It's hard to find anything on the net that's this well written; I can even be interested in the pages that aren't my favorite topics because I'm drawn into them by the writing.
I don't care for the idea of cybersex; I'd rather have an open and willing partner in real life, but after reading these comments I can see why this isn't possible for some people. I think cybersex might be better than the alternative of drying up and blowing away. Many who engage in this apparently use it to avoid intimacy, but unfortunately these same people would use anything at all for the same purpose were this outlet not available.
All in all, I'm impressed. Even if you're not the author, anyone interested in these sights must at least be able to read and comprehend them! (I think.)
Judith Morgan
I do not claim to be an 'expert' in hunting, I'll leave that to the "experts".
What I do claim is to have an honest, simple, natural respect for nature, God's creation. I am a Christian, I do believe in God and the Bible (the word of God). I have commented to a lady once that some of the best moments I have spent closer to God, is in the wilderness while hunting. My father introduced my family, I was seven when I went on my first hunting trip. Since then we have continued to enjoy it and passing it on to our children. (I include fishing as hunting)
I have had a read of your other pages and I am equally pleased.
I love the poems you have.
I hope to keep in contact with you.
Good Hunting
Jack fleming - sambar@geocities.com
Cheers, Elizabeth Charters ( 3mec1@qlink.queensu.ca )
I have struggled at times to eloquently state the reasons for my beliefs and for my worship of the wild. The material that I have read in your Hunting Themes are on the mark for me. Taking an eclectic view of religion and spirituality, I have woven some of what you profess into my life. At times, however, it was difficult to explain it effectively to those of importance.
My marriage, ten years, my relationship with my children, Ryan 3.5 and Kelsey 11 months, and my love of my friends have all evolved and improved through careful exploration of the gifts that I shared with nature itself and with my friends in the field.
Thank you for what I have read so far. I have placed your site in my favorite places and will visit it often. If I can continue to grow along a "natural path" and if I can express my feelings and deep desires in words, I know that the love and the gifts I have shared over a lifetime with nature (33 years), will pass to my son and my daughter. Truly, what more can a man ask for?
Greg ( Cdcoun@aol.com )
I couldn't stop reading until I had absorbed every word, every thought,every picture you painted with your words. I found tears in my eyes (yeah I know what a wimp ) when I read your letter to Dave, I found myself nodding encouragement to your tips, " uh-huh. I keep saying yep he knows what he is talking about.
I read your gifts of the guide, and my mind and heart were alive with the memory of a hunting partner long moved away. How I gave him an axe one year, and a knife another, and how he gave me a compass, and ideas.
Thank you for sharing your gifts.
Mike " Deadeye " Pete
" It is one thing to show a man he is in error, and another to put him in possesion of the truth " John Locke
You have done a very nice job here. Your thought provoking insight into what it means to hunt and its spiritual nature is well worth sharing. I know from my own 25 odd years hunting experience that it's during these special times when one can sometimes feel the "magic". Certainly you become aware that the forest or the stream has a "consciousness" or "mood" that can either welcome or reject you depending on your attitude and respect.
Anyways, the point of my note here is that you have a valuable contribution to make to the hunting community.
Greg Alexander Nebula Internet Services
I was especially intruiged by the piece on gifts, as I've never seen it expressed in an "official" sense that way, but have known many families that follow that pattern with their children.
Derek R. Larson
Indiana University
Department of History
"Eastward I go by force, but Westward I go free!" -H. D. Thoreau
It looks like we have more in common than I figured. I myself am a avid moose hunter, guided many years and learned a lot from the native guides that I worked with. My father and family spent many years hunting the Nemagosenda and stayed at my uncles tourist camp in Elsas.( Gosenda Lodge ) Which borders the Chapleau Game Reserve.
For the past 8 years we have been hunting the Sioux Lookout area. There has only been two years that we did not take a moose, and it didn't really matter to us as we were just happy to be in the bush.
On one occasion I watched Two bull moose fighting for about 8 to 10 minutes, I was so amazed , and so blessed to see this I let them both go on their way, and actually came home without one that year. I even had a bull tag. I am not a caller; I use a method taught to me by my native friends in Elsas which is breaking dried branches. It really works.
Len Desforges.
© 1996, 1997 Lark Ritchie. Contact me at this address..