My name is Cricket and I would like to introduce you to my family.  These are my parents, Jenny & Greg.  They were blessed with my appearance in November of 2000 when I was 12 weeks old.  We go to puppy school every week and I have them fooled.  I am not learning a thing!  My goal in life is to eat the whole house including the carpet and trim.  We live in Canon City, Colorado where dad is a webdesigner and mom is a chiropractor. Do you like my outfit?  Not only am I a devil dog, but a cowgirl too. Mom and Dad got me a new friend in December 2001. Her name is Abby and I love her very much. Abby likes to play with me and I have stopped using Mom as my play thing, much to Mom's relief.

I also have 2 sisters and a brother who are cats. They are not real fond of me.  In this picture they were having a catnip party while I was outside.  One of my favorite games is to sit on Maddie until she hyperventilates.  I don't think that we will be good friends until I settle down and they allow me to play with them. 

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