What are the three leading causes of death in the U.S.?
- Heart Disease 725,010 or 33.5% of total deaths.
- Cancer 506,000 or 23.4% of all deaths.
- Cerebrovascular 145,340 or 6.7%
- Accidents 93,550 for 4.3%.
What are the odds of being struck by lightning?606,944 to 1 against.
Where do the names for the days of the week come from?- Sunday The sun
- Monday The moon.
- Tuesday Tiu (the Anglo-Saxon god of war, equivilent to the Norse Tyr of the Roman mars).
- Wednesday Woden (the Anglo-Saxon equivilent of Odin, the chief Norse god).
- Thursday Thor (the Norse god of thunder).
- Friday Frigg (the Norse god of love and fertility, the equivilent of the Roman Venus).
- Saturday Saturn (the Roman god of agriculture).