Weeks 14 - 20

Week 14 Cellular Respiration
Reading Assignment Pages 123-131

Here's a Matching Quiz for This Chapter

Weeks 15-16 Photosynthesis
Reading Assignment Pages 112-123

Glossary Words

Here's a Matching Quiz for This Chapter.

Week 16 Plant Anatomy
Reading Assignment Pages None

Glossary Words

The following links are quite involved. They discuss Glycolysis, the Kreb's Cycle and Photosynthesis at a much higher level than we'd ever need to know in our class. View them if you're interested in seeing how complex the processes really are. You might find them interesting, and who knows, maybe they will clarify things for you just a bit.

A Good Explanation of Cell Respiration

Why Study Photosynthesis?

Here is the pictoral review of photosynthesis you saw in class.

This ends the material for your next exam
Good Luck!

Exam Review

Weeks 17-18 Nucleic Acids

Reading Assignment Pages 136-153

Glossary Words

What Are Nucleic Acids?

Whats' a Gene
DNA Repication
Watson and Crick's original paper proposing the Structure of The DNA Molecule

These next few links demonstrate how scientists use DNA to solve crimes.
Excellent site that shows how DNA is used to solve crimes.

Example 3 What's PCR?

Week 19 Viruses

Reading Assignment Pages 354-360 and 372-374

The following links give a good explanation of viruses

This site offers a very comprehensive explanation of the structure of a virus.

Here is a comprehensive list of viral diseses and links to sites that discuss them.

Another List of Viral Diseases.
A brief illustration of viral replication.
Everything you wanted to know about Mad Cow Disease but were afraid to ask.

The Great Flu Pandemic of 1918

A huge site about everything you wanted to know about viruses.

Viral Replication

Week 20 Mitosis and Meiosis

Reading Assignment Pages 158-171 and 193-196

Glossary Words

Once Again Here's a Matching Quiz

The following links should give you a pretty good visualization of these two important processes.

This site has some excellent movies of both Mitosis and Meiosis and very good explainations of the steps involved.

A very good review of the material with good diagrams of the stages.

A very good site on Meiosis showing all the stages and what occurs in each.

The Quiz(You must be hooked up to the internet for this one!)

Exam Review

This ends the material for your next exam

Week 21 Plant Reproduction

Reading Assignment Pages 390-403

Glossary Words

And Yet Again A Matching Quiz

Week 22 Human Reproduction
Reading Assignment Pages 934-947

Glossary Words

And Here's This Week's Matching Quiz

Exam Review

This ends the material that you will need to know for your next exam.