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The First Urantian Church is a not for profit worship group composed of everyone in the world that believes in the power of the one and only God who created the 7 superuniverses and gave Christ Michael Sovereign rule over our universe of Nebadon, after his successful completion of life as a human, the last of seven such incarnations, the same God who has placed into each of us a small piece of himself, called the indwelling thought adjuster, which upon ascension, merges with our immortal soul so that we may rejoice with God forever. The power of the human soul is so great that we can, with practice, leave the confines of our physical body and journey to places beyond the restrictions of time and space. We are all sons and daughters of God and whether we know it or not we are all bound for greatness!
The Mission of the church is to bring people from all across the planet together in the astral plane to fellowship with one another without the distracting urges of the human body, for on the astral plane we are all truly equals and can hide nothing from each other!
Where ever you are is an office of the First Urantian Church of Knowledge, as long as you want it to be.
the Midwayers (see the Urantia book)
I sell jewlery and keychains made from HEMP,, If ya want some E-mail me
Last updated on September, 15th 1996