[World Wide Web Browsers - Image]

World Wide Web Browsers

A funny thing about browsers is that they do not all respond to the HTML markup the same way. For instance, some do not acknowledge the table tags or tags that are not part of the HTML 2.0 DTD. FWIW, they don't always display HTML 2.0 DTD in the same manner either! So in general:

[*] The majority of browsers have similar basic features.
[*] Some browsers can do things that other browsers can't do.
[*] Some browsers are better at doing certain things.
[*] Some browsers display the same things differently.

So with that in mind, you will want to test your Web pages with several different browsers to see what effects will take place (how your pages are displayed).

[*] Amiga Mosaic
[*] Arena
[*] Ariadna
[*] CandleWeb
[*] Cello
[*] Cyberdog
[*] Emacs World Wide Web Browser
[*] Emissary
[*] GNUscape
[*] Internet with an Accent
[*] Lynx
[*] Microsoft Internet Explorer
[*] Mariner
[*] MathBrowser
[*] NCSA Mosaic for Macintosh
[*] NCSA Mosaic for Windows
[*] NCSA Mosaic for X Window System
[*] Netscape Navigator
[*] NetShark
[*] Netsurfer
[*] OmniWeb
[*] PowerBrowser
[*] QMosaic
[*] SlipKnot
[*] Softerm
[*] Sprynet Mosaic
[*] Spyglass Mosaic
[*] The Internet WorkHorse
[*] UdiWWW - HTML 3 Browser
[*] WebExplorer
[*] WebRouser
[*] WebSurfer

Ok enough with the browsers, as you can see there are a lot of browsers out there. Moving right along I have included some links to sites that will help you either test the browsers capabilities, browser statistics or just plain keeping up with the technological changes that are occurring with the browser technology.

[*] An Account on Browsers and Machines
[*] BrowserCaps
[*] BrowserWatch
[*] The WWW Browser Test Page
[*] ThreeToad WWW Browser Comparison Page
[*] WWW Viewer Test Page

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Page maintained by John K. Hart, jkhart@pstbbs.com
Copyright © 1996, 1997 John K. Hart
Created: April 20, 1996
Updated: March 7, 1997

Send email to jkhart@pstbbs.com if you like.

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