Do it Yourself Web Site Publishing - Image]

Do it Yourself - Web Site Publishing

HTML Basics - Image] Nearly everyone is "doing it themselves", that is, creating their own Web pages and sites. Whether it's for personal or commercial interests, you should be familiar with at least, the HyperText Markup Language (HTML).

Of the two predominately used Web authoring languages, HTML and VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language), HTML is by far the easiest to learn and utilize. HTML is basically a document formatting system and in a sense is related to SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). If you don't already understand the basics of HTML or have a thorough understanding of how to use HTML, well here are some links that will help you in your education:

[*] The Basics of HTML
[*]SGML Specifications and Resources
[*]The HTML Specification
[*]HTML Guides - Practical Applications
[*]HTML Style Guides

HTML Authoring Tools - Image] HTML is not going to do you much good unless you have the tools that are necessary to create HTML documents. Since HTML documents are strictly composed of ASCII text characters, you can write and edit HTML documents with the use of plain text editors. However, if you want to create HTML documents the easy way, you should use an editor specifically designed for writing HTML documents. So, with that in mind, there are essentially three classification of HTML authoring tools that are specifically designed to help HTML authors:

[*] HTML Editors
[*]Document Translators/Converters
[*]HTML Validation Tools

The Basics of Graphics - Image] By now, you are probably interested in the use of graphics (inline images) within your HTML documents. There are various types of image formats currently in use. The most popular are GIF, JPEG or JPG and of course a new format called PNG. So which type of image format will you use? Well that all depends on what you're trying to do with the images. So I suggest that you understand the capabilities of the three mentioned image types, then decide for yourself.

[*]The Basics of Graphics
[*]GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
[*]JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
[*]PNG - Portable Network Graphics
[*]Graphics - Practical Applications

The Basics of Graphics - Image] There are several ways to obtain or create graphical images for your Web page, you can either:
  • Draw them yourself
  • Utilize public domain images or free images
  • Scan in images
  • Take your own pictures (Digital Camera)

So why don't you go out and get what it takes to put graphical images on your Web page.

[*]Graphical Tools & Resources
[*]Graphical Image Software Tools
[*]Graphical Image Resources
[*]Digital Cameras

The Basics of Multimedia - Image] Multimedia, what exactly is this? In short, it is a mixture of text, graphics, sound, animation and video presented to you via some sort of electronic means. Sound familiar? Hmm..... sounds like what the World Wide Web is all about or is soon to be in a large way. So what does it take to produce multimedia? Well it takes:
  • Knowledge
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Practice
Pretty basic stuff, right? Well it's like anything else it takes some initiative and a little bit of creativity. So, let's go see what information and resources are available for the creation of Multimedia.

[*]The Basics of Multimedia
[*]Multimedia and the Law
[*]Multimedia - Practical Applications

[Multimedia Tools & Resources - Image] You will need hardware, software and some imagination to make multimedia work for you on the Web. Another aspect of multimedia designs involves the skills of a:
  • Graphics Designer
  • Multimedia Designer
  • Interface Designer
  • Writer
  • Video Specialist
  • Audio Specialist
  • Multimedia Programmer
Simple right? So, now comes the fun part, finding the tools & resources that you will need to create multimedia on the Web.

[*]Multimedia Tools & Resources
[*]Multimedia Hardware
[*]Multimedia Software
[*]Multimedia Authoring Tools

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Page maintained by John K. Hart,
Copyright ©1996 John K. Hart
Created: April 13, 1996
Updated: February 28, 1997

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