This monument immortalizes the life and exploits of Hannibal. Not the Hannibal who harried the Romans after bringing elephants over the Alps (although he is just as brave). Nor Hannibal Lector, the diner on human livers with fava beans and chianti (although he has eaten some strange things in his lifetime).
No, this page is dedicated to Hannibal the canine, worrier of squirrels, annexer of sofas, ingestor of dinner table foodstuffs, marker of many territories, traveler in many lands, harrier of skunks, circumnavigator of Lake Michigan, ambassador extraordinaire, vanquisher of kidney stones, and king of Wisconsin, Texas, Louisiana, and New Mexico.
Sodes Magis Laterculae



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The adventures of Hannibal are too numerous to list here. Be assured that they are legion. The factual stories of Hannibal is almost more incredible than the stories of Hannibal the legend, because they are all true. With this virtual monument to what 4 out of 5 experts call THE BEST DOG EVER, we hope that you will learn more about this special companion that has transformed our lives.
We invite you to click on Hannibal's image. You will then see Hannibal's story, and judge for yourself whether he deserves the accolades we have given him. As was once said by another famous Hannibal: "Many things which nature makes difficult become easy to the [dog] who uses his brains."!
Erected MMV by Megan and Michael in gratitude

November XV, MCMXD -- March XXVIII, MMVI