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Brady Taylor - 08/07/00 04:30:14
My Email:boogietaylor@juno.com

Thank you. I was looking for some quick info for an anti-morman co-worker. I found more than what I needed on your site. I hope he will look it over. Thank you again.

Jonathan Griffiths - 03/07/00 17:13:27
My Email:jogriffiths@dax.centralia.ctc.edu

I think that it's great what you're doing. People ought to know the truth about our religion. I hope that God will bless you as you strive to live His gospel and as you try to help others do the same. Take care and always remember that you're never alo e. Jonathan Griffiths

Shaun Aisbitt - 11/26/99 22:29:22
My URL:/Athens/Parthenon/6528/otrchrst.htm
My Email:aisbitt@hotmail.com

Nicely put together site, please investigate your faith a bit more thoroughly though, I have included a link to a thourough study on Jesus as seen by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints past and present. Please read it all before commenting.
Caroline - 11/05/99 21:30:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/4226/
My Email:greekbard@usa.net

Teriffic site! It was very informative, and very well put together (not to mention inspiring!). I will most certainly come back soon!

Peter Steimle - 06/26/99 23:05:51
My Email:psteimle@eagle.cc.ukans.edu

Hi! This is great! I'm building webpage for class, and including some ideas for activities to do with your family, and I used a quote from the Proclamation. So, I think, I should link this quote to the full text, maybe it's online someplace. It's MANY laces, I'm glad to see, and after looking at a couple other sites yours is also ideal as an intro to the church! So thank you!! I think my webpage will be at Eagle.cc.ukans.edu~psteimle, if that's even correct format for a URL. I have to have it active by mid July for class. Thanks again!

Benoit M. Velge - 06/24/99 22:54:36
My Email:lifetree@webtv.net

Excellent site.....Keep up the good work

Andrea Handy - 05/19/99 18:19:55
My Email:kmhandy@aol.com

I'm LDS also. It's very difficult to find accurate information on the internet about our religion. It's nice to see a site like this and to realize that you're not alone in a world of confusion. Keep up the great work on your site and always remember t "choose the right"!

Tara Fullmer - 05/16/99 06:41:03
My Email:shawnandtarafullmer@yahoo.com


Amanda Tinney - 03/20/99 01:16:04
My Email:tinneytribe@webtv.net

I'm really glad that you put up this web sight! I'm a 15 year old who is a member of the church and who has friends that ask me all the time about the church, and now I can just them to this web sight! Thanx again!

Melissa Johnson - 03/17/99 21:26:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Exhibit/9217
My Email:go_canada_go@hotmail.com

You have done a wonderful job with your site! I am a Mormon aswell allthough I have never been ridiculed because of my religon I still think alot of people aren't sure what the religon is about.

Sharon - 02/16/99 00:34:11
My Email:kayesha@webtv.net

As a member of the church, I think it s wonderful that you share your/our beliefs in an attempt to clear up misunderstood doctrines and beliefs.

10/25/98 12:05:16
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Carol Martin (Yakchat) - 09/01/98 23:40:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9272/index.html
My Email:yakchat@flash.net

Dearest Starr,
What a beautiful and informative site you have made..I went thru every link and read all you wrote. I think your site will help people to understand the Morman belief and faith...
Much love to you, my sweet friend,
and May God Bless You and Yours,
Carol Martin(Yakchat)

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