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Maintenance and enhancement of Gonjaland culture and traditions. Facilitation of group support for members in times of crisis and other periods of need. Creation of a network entity for economic ventures opportunity.

The importance of ethnic associations and activities cannot be overemphasized. Some of the benefits derived from such an endeavor include the following:

  • Provision of a forum for exchange of ideas and other forms of socialization.
  • Maintenance and enhancement of Gonjaland/Ghanaian culture and traditions.
  • Facilitation of group support for members in times of crisis and other periods of need.
  • Creation of a network entity for economic ventures opportunity.
  • To help educate the people of Gonjaland These and other benefits have been widely recognized and apparently represent the basis for the establishment of many ethnic associations throughout the United States and other countries abroad. Those of us living in North America have not had the benefit of our own support group, and have often been forced to either resign ourselves to reclusion or participate in outside associations with all its attendant inconveniences. The overriding objective now is to embrace and seek the welfare of all peoples of Gonjaland and their families, resident in Ghana and abroad. To this end, we have decided to adopt this CONSTITUTION to cover various elements of the Gonjaland Association of North America


1.1 : The Organization shall be called the Gonjaland Association of North America

1.2 : The registered office of the Association shall be in Sterling, Virginia,


2.1 : The Gonjaland Association of North America shall be a non-partisan organization with the following objectives:

2.1.0 : To help advance the Political, Economic and Social well being of all the peoples of Gonjaland, both at home and abroad.

2.1.1 : To help foster the spirit of cooperation and peaceful coexistence among the peoples of Gonjaland, both at home and abroad.

2.1.2 : To foster unity and cooperation between Gonjaland elders in Ghana.

2.1.3 : To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas about Ghana and Gonjaland.

2.1.4 : To help members in times of need, and to utilize our diverse backgrounds to help each other to network for economic opportunity.

2.1.5 : To encourage and promote economic ventures and the spirit of volunteering in Gonjaland.

2.1.6 : To seek communication with other Gonjaland societies and associations in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Ghana.

2.1.7 : To advocate the utilization of nonviolence and peaceful negotiations in the resolution of all conflicts among all peoples of Gonjaland


3.1 : Membership in Gonja Association of North America shall be open to

3.1.1 : All peoples of all ethnic groups with origins in the land area traditionally designated as Gonjaland, their spouses, eighteen years or older and living in North America.

3.1.2 : All other Ghanaians and nationals of other countries, eighteen years or older, who subscribe to the objectives of the Association.


5.1 : The needs of a member and/or member's family which shall warrant the help of the Association are defined as follows:

5.1.1 : The death of a member. In such a case the Association's help shall be rendered to the member's immediate family or next of kin.

5.1.2 : The death of the father, mother, spouse or child of a member. It shall be the responsibility of each member to declare these relatives on their membership application form and to provide all necessary revisions in the permanent records of the Association.

5.1.3 : The birth of a child to a member.

5.1.4 : The marriage of a member.

5.1.5 : Disability of a member which leads to a significant loss of income for the member or the member's family or prevents the member from earning a living.


6.1 : The Association shall provide the following help to members in times of need:

6.1.1 : A cash contribution to be decided upon by the general membership of the Association.

6.1.2 : At the request of the member or the member's family, the Association shall provide organizational help with marriage, child outdooring, and funeral ceremonies.

6.2 : The Association may provide these other benefits to its members:

6.2.1 : A Welcome Committee to help relocating and new members with information on housing.

6.2.2 : An Economic Committee to help members with information on investment and economic opportunities.

6.2.3 : An IMMIGRATION Committee to help members with information on immigration issues and help other qualified Gonjas and Residents of Gonjaland to further their education in North America.

6.2.4 : A Jobs Committee to provide networking opportunities for members and to help with information on jobs.

6.2.2 : An Economic Committee to help members with information on investment and economic opportunities.

6.2.3 : An Immigration Committee to help members with information on immigration issues and help other qualified Gonjas and Residents of Gonjaland to further their education in North America.

6.2.4 : A Jobs Committee to provide networking opportunities for members and to help with information on jobs.


7.1 : The Association shall derive its funds from:

7.1.1 : Membership dues, the amount of which is $10.00 a month and one time due of $30.00 per family.

7.1.2 : Fund raising activities.


8.1 : There shall be the following officers who shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Association

8.1.1 : President

8.1.2 : Secretary

8.1.4 : Financial Director

8.1.5 : Public Relations Director


9.1 : The President shall

9.0.1 : Serve as the CEO of the Association.

9.1.1 : Preside over all general and executive committee meetings.

9.1.2 : Appoint adhoc committees from time to time as may become necessary and assign specific duties.

9.1.3 : Appoint auditors within and without the general membership with the approval of the executive committee.

9.1.4 : Have the power to call emergency meeting of the executive committee whenever necessary.

9.1.5 : Countersign all association checks.

9.1.6 : Provide members with semi annual reports on "the state of the association".

9.2 : The Secretary shall

9.2.1 : Give notices of all general and executive committee meetings.

9.2.2 : Keep full and accurate records of proceedings at all association meetings.

9.2.3 : Be responsible for all correspondence of the association in consultation with the executive committee.

9.3 : The Financial Director shall

9.3.1 : Maintain the accounts of the association.

9.3.2 : Record all funds received and disbursed.

9.3.3 : Deposit all monies within five working days with a bank and make withdrawals.

9.3.4 : Keep petty-cash in an amount to be determined by the executive committee.

9.3.5 : Keep full and accurate accounts of the standing of each member in the association.

9.3.6 : Receive all dues and all monies coming into the possession of the association and give receipts thereof.

9.5 : The Public Relations Officer shall

9.5.1 : Be in charge of maintaining good public relations for the association.

9.5.2 : Be in charge of maintaining good relations among members.

9.5.3 : Organize activities, when necessary, to fulfill above duties.

9.5.4 : Act as a liaison between the executive committee and the general membership.

9.6: : The Executive Committee shall

9.6.1 : Have the power to call a general meeting with a 2/3 majority of its membership.

9.6.2 : Receive all reports from adhoc committees and act as appropriate on these reports.

9.6.3 : Recommend approval or disapproval of all new membership applications to the general membership.


10.1 : General Meetings shall be held on the first Saturday of every month.

10.2 : The place and time shall be decided by the members of the last meeting.

10.3 : A quorum shall be present before any transactions are undertaken.

10.4 : At least seven calendar days shall be sufficient notice to members for a meeting


11.1 : Elections for the Officers of the Association shall be held annually.

11.2 : Members shall be informed in writing by the Secretary at least two months prior to the date of the elections.

11.3 : The President shall declare eligibility to vote.

11.4 : Voting shall be by secret ballot.

11.5 : Election to any office shall be a simple majority.

11.6 : No executive officer shall hold a particular office for more than two conservative terms.