
Gana Member Pictures

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Suraz & Nura

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Standing from front left Iddisah, middle Harruna, Habib, Suraz & Hafiz
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Members of Gonja Association of North America

Dr. Nasar with baby Melda and Mom Memuna
GANA was with the Nasar's family to celebrate baby Melda's outdooring.

Members of GANA family at the outdooring of baby Melda

Nasar and baby Melda

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Harruna Issifu
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Samantha & Aisha Suraz

From left Kwame, Kenya & Mimi. These are the beautiful children of Sala Adam, our current National Secretary and Mr. Emmanuel.

Over 100 members of Gonja Association of North America and others attended the naming ceremony of Suraz & Nura Ibrahim's baby son, Adam Suraz, at Easton, PA. Malam Baba and Alhaji Danlardi administered the naming ceremony.
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Nura & baby Adam

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Friends who attended the ceremony at Easton

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Baby Adam

Boss Adam Suraz is seven months old.

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Nura and Charlotte

Members of the Suraz's Family
From left Aisha, Samantha
Baby Adam with my niece Eliham, and my beutiful bride, Nura

Mr. Kingsley Karimu is the Head of Chancery at the
Embassy of Ghana. Mr. Karimu is a native of Salaga and
a graduate of University of Ghana, Legon.