You Might Be a Cornell Liberal If...

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From: (Jason Jiyon Cho)
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 17:41:13 -0500 (EST)
To: (Bruce Robert Hudson), (Jason Michael Matyas), (Donald Cloyce Wagda), (Michael David Waldron), (Jason Brett Schwartz), (Frederick Otto Quenzer),
cc:, (Jason Jiyon Cho)
cc:, (Jason Jiyon Cho)
Subject: You might be a liberal if ... (fwd)
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I need help with these. A friend forwarded a list from UMinnesota like
this. These I made up partially based on his, seeing as I have only one
class a day here and nothing else to do.

Are you a Cornell liberal? You might be if ...

* You've ever bought Tupperware from the Cornell Greens standing outside
Trillium in order to save the landfills.

* You protested the expansion of Mann Library as endangering the last

* You use your frosh dorm recycling mug for anything other than holding pens.

* You have ever injured yourself by catching a body ring on the doorjamb
of the ABC Cafe, or by hauling Cornell Americans into the garbage on the
fifth floor of the Straight.

* Your name came up when filling Student Assembly committee assignments.

* Your e-mail folder is full of messages from any listserv with a Spanish

* You have been quoted correctly by the Cornell Daily Sun.

* You booed at Janet Reno last October for the Justice Department's role in
the plight of the black male.

* You left a dorm presentation thinking "My RA really knows what
he/she/it is talking about."

* You lie awake at night worrying that the Christians might get you.

* You visit the CIVITAS office regularly, because Cornell students should
give Ithacites more than just an economy and buses to drive.

* You support the gay living center for reasons other than "Yeah, get
them the hell away from normal people."

* You're worried that President Hunter "William Jefferson Clinton"
Rawlings is league with Collegetown capitalist bourgeoisie, the Greek
system, and Joe Sabia to spread the AIDS virus among minorities.

* Cornell wasn't your third choice after Harvard and Stanford. It's your
* You have the menu Stella's Cafe memorized.

* You met your current partner when he/she/it commented on your Nader '96
button at Quill and Dagger initiation.

* You are able to argue coherently about the relative merits of Oasis
Organic Grocery and the Greenstar Cooperative.

* You have ever chanted "The people united will never be defeated."

* Double that if you have chanted it in any language other than English.

* You have ever spent the night on campus in a cardboard box in Ho Plaza
(protesting the Contract), in a sleeping bag in the lobby of Goldwin Smith,
(protesting financial aid cuts) or on a blanket on Libe Slope (waiting for
Indigo Girls tickets).

* Your car features any of the following bumper stickers: "Hate is not a
family value"; "Practice random acts of beauty and senseless acts of
violence"; "College of Human Ecology Alum"

* Your typical schedule consists of one-word courses like "Mushrooms"
(Plant Science), "Sex" (Human Service Studies), or "Indians" (Rural

* You have ever been named in a libel lawsuit by Professors Maas or Aist.

and the expected,

* You can't decide between the Hillel speech, the Julie Chon for Trustee
victory party, or the Pastors for Peace symposium, so you
tell you friends "I'm goin' ta UJE!"
The exiled
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Last updated 19 July 1996