Unificationist Publications
(online texts)

Click here for a list of books about the Unification Church (including some that are out of print) that can be ordered from Amazon.com (the world's largest bookstore).

Unification Teachings

The Healing of the World. - an Introduction to the Liife and Teachings of Rev. Sun Myyung Moon.

Building a World of True Love. - An Introduction to the "Principle," Unificationism's systematic theology.

The Divine Principle Home Study Course. is a course in the Divine Principle designed to be studied unassisted. It was originally written as an introduction to the main theological ideas in Exposition of the Divine Principle (see below), a text originally written in an East-Asian style which is more dense and dificult for many readers.

Exposition of the Divine Principle. - A systematic presentation of the revelation received by Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Along with the Hebrew Bible. and the New Testament, this text is regarded as scripture by Unificationists.

New Hope - Twelve Talks, an anthology of sermons given by Rev. Moon in his first three years in America, 1971 to 1973.

Contemplating Unification Thought, by Dr. Jennifer P. Tanabe. An overview of Unification teachings in the terminology of philosophy.

Unification Christology: The Humanity and Divinity of Jesus in Unification Theology. A paper written at the Unification Theological Seminary.

Writings by Unificationists

InJin Moon's 2005 letter to Unification members: Dr. Bo Hi Pak has been in debtor's prison in Korea for one year. Money is needed; Rev. Sun Myung Moon won't provide the funds.

Korean management culture in the Unification Church of America: an expert on Korea gives an insider's account of how Korean cultural patterns impact the Unification Church in the West.

Some passages from In the Shadow of the Moons: My Life in the Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Family, an inside, tell-all account by Nansook Hong, ex-wife of Rev. Sun Myung Moon's eldest son. Read also a review by a Unification Church member.

Tim Folzenlogen's letter about the surprise beatings from Hyun Jin Moon, Sun Myung Moon's son and heir apparent.

Thorsteinn's unanswered questions to the leadership of the Unification Church.

The Spiked (rejected) Unification News. See what articles were deemed inappropriate by the Church leadership for publication in the generally non-selective Unification News.

Robert Gordon devotes a web site to both "positive" and "controversial" issues concerning the Unification Church, telling us that "through this contrast of perspectives, a more accurate picture of reality will be obtained."

The International Religious Foundation's 1995 explanation of Unificationist views on "Marriage, Family, and World Peace."

"The Phoenix," a sermon by Dan Fefferman, long-time American Unificationist leader.

This short monograph, "Insights into the Afterlife" by Nora M. Spurgin, gives some idea of the Unification teaching on the afterlife.

Books about the Unification Church (including some that are out of print) that can be ordered from Amazon.com (the world's largest bookstore).

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