Evelyn C. Leeper's Home Page: Books, Travel, and More

Evelyn C. Leeper's Home Page: Books, Travel, and More

Last updated 17 Apr 2009

This week's MT VOID contents :

Science Fiction Discussion Groups (NJ)
Are You Now or Have You Ever Been... (comments by Mark R. Leeper)
Opportunity Not To Be Missed (fiction by Mark R. Leeper)
REPO!: THE GENETIC OPERA (film review by Mark R. Leeper)
Kinship Terms (letter of comment by Fred Lerner)
Large-Print Books (letter of comment by Mike Lukacs)
Steganography (letter of comment by Mike Lukacs)
     and SWIFTLY) (book comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)
Quote of the Week

More issues here

Recent articles, trip logs, and convention reports:

Mark Leeper and I were Fan Guests of Honor for Windycon XXIX, November 8-10, 2002. Here are:

What I do:

If you want to get some idea of my philosophy, check out my .sig quotes.

I have been nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Fan Writer twelve times, most recently in 2001.

The MT VOID is a publication of the Mt. Holz science fiction club.

To subscribe, send mail to mtvoid-subscribe@yahoogroups.com or go to http://groups.yahoo. com/group/mtvoid.

Table of Contents

Older back issues are available here and at fanac.org.

[photo of George Eliot]

"Enveloped in a common mist, we seem to walk in clearness ourselves, and behold only the mist that enshrouds others." --George Eliot, "Leaves from a Note-Book"

Here are some links to sites of interest:

Also available are:

  • Details on the "Danish King and the Star of David" story
  • George Eliot's "Shadows of the Coming Race" (an interesting piece of futurism, including discussion of what came to be called Von Neumann machines!)
  • Edward Everett Hale's Brick Moon
  • Mark Twain's "War Prayer"
  • Ambrose Bierce's "Killed at Resaca"
    [photo of Mark & Evelyn Leeper]

    Evelyn C. Leeper