My music, hope you like it!
Exciting stuff here, I'm going to tell you all about my favorite bands,
songs, lyrics, etc.
Favorite Bands
- Radiohead
Violent Femmes, my longest-time favorite band, they totally
revolutionized my taste in music. You think I'm exaggerating? You
don't know what I listened to before the Femmes . . .
Indigo Girls Their music has meant a lot to me, and if
you ever have the chance to see them live, do it, it's about a trillion
times better than any CD.
Gipsy Kings, so so so good, from the moment I heard their
album Mosaique, I was hooked. I owe all my love of Spanish music to
the Gipsy Kings. Incidentally, I heard that the Gipsy Kings are THE POPE'S favorite band. As in John Paul
II. Bizarre...
Velvet Underground, cool band from a while ago, I like them a
- Morrissey and the
Smiths, double cool. Were they your voice in
high school? Was Morrissey able to put the feelings you had into words?
Join the sensitive poets club! Now go check
out this Cemetry Gates site, it's really well done.
And some relatively newer favorite bands . . .
Barenaked Ladies, they're just too funny, I can't wait to see them
play up here in Boston!
- Pixies
- Los Hermanos Rosario
- whatever my beautiful and wise sisters (Hi Beth and Katie!)
are listening to.
What I have been listening to lately...
Go and check out this
lyrics server. You can find just about any song this way. Neat,
isn't it?