The curriculum for Third
Grade is challenging in many ways.
The first challenge is
finding it. To help, descriptions of varying degrees of clarity
may be found all or in part on these three different
Your first place to start since this is Cobb's own
version of the standards.
Georgia's official site for state standards
Georgia's C. R. C. T. content descriptors
I personally use a
combination of all three with the C.R.C.T. content descriptors
explaining HOW the students will be assessed while using
the Picasso standards Cobb county requires me to teach
their version of Georgia's performance objectives.
Confused? Please
come see me and I'll do my best to simplify what at first appears to be
a muddled mess. Call the school, write a note, or email me to
setup a time where we can meet to further clarify what is expected of a
third grade student.