Introduction to Vibrations

In the 1960's the word "vibrations" came into vogue. Young people, influenced by the mystical traditions of the East, experimented with ways to raise their consciousness. They used the term to describe some ephemeral quality of people or places. Although not defined in any formal way, it gradually worked its way into the popular culture, showing up in songs and phrases. The implication was that one simply had to "tune in" to appreciate this alternate experience of reality.

We use the term vibrations now as well, and it hasn't changed much in terms of its meaning. It still conjures up images of invisible rays of energy flying through the air and influencing people in various ways. For instance, we know what happens when we get "vibed" by someone. It means to encounter anger, a cold shoulder, an inhospitable response. But it also suggests more than just the outer expressions of emotion, as evidenced only by gestures or words.

When somebody says that another's words went through them like a knife, they are not far off. A word that carries a powerful emotional wallop, full of anger or resentment, can slice through the subtle field, and jab us in a way that is literally painful. It is not the words alone which are transmitted. I can say them in a sweet voice and you won't experience a negative reaction. Rather, it is the projection behind the words which makes the difference.

There are also positive vibrations. For instance, we like to be around friendly people because they radiate a certain warmth; charming people have an allure or magnetism which is part of their personal projection; and being around loving and nurturing vibrations can be quite soothing or healing. In short, people transmit many qualities of vibrations, some more beneficial than others.

The fact is that no one can show you a vibration. We are dealing with something that is at once subtle, yet its influence is pervasive. It is something that we all experience, but for most people, it is just beyond the realm of their conscious mind.

On the other hand, for others it is a very real and tangible experience, and their sensitivity can be a curse if it is not properly understood. If this text has one purpose, it is to raise the awareness; both from the point of view of those who are sensitive and need some explanation about how to deal with the subtle energies around them; and also for those who want to comprehend human reactions and interactions from a unique perspective.

The aim is also to get the reader thinking about where they go, and what influences places and people have on their system. Some settings will enhance them, others will pull them down; and it becomes a science to know where to place oneself for maximum benefit. This is the science of vibrations, which is the basic subject matter of this text.

All text © 1996 by Charles Shahar.


 Defining Vibrations     Wavelengths of Vibrations

Energy Transmissions Vibrations and Consciousness

The Auras of Places The Rules of Environmental Energies

Resonating Wavelengths

Links to come:

The pranic field, the emotional field, the mental field, and the spiritual environment. I will look at prana in the work place and nature; emotional vibrations in prisons, hospitals, bars, and churches. I will also examine thought-forms in educational establishments, spiritual power sites, etc.

Defining Vibrations

What is the difference between a rock and a thought? Well, obviously one is more subtle than the other. A physicist will not have much to say about a thought, preferring to deal with those qualities of nature which he or she can measure or manipulate. But what if you had the means to examine a level beyond the senses using the power of your own consciousness? What if the different states of subtle vibrations were suddenly made apparent to you?

The answer is that you would discover a whole new world which was once invisible, but which would now seemingly inter-penetrate the physical sphere. People would appear different, and their interactions would take on qualities that you could not have even imagined. Their thoughts and emotions, which had a kind of abstract reality before, would literally take on shapes or forms. These forms would pass through a subtle medium as spheres, whirls or clouds of energy.

People themselves would appear as shimmering or glowing orbs of light. Depending on their development and state of mind, they would shine with different levels of luminosity. And wherever they went, they would animate their vicinity, leaving a kind of emotional and mental residue behind them. In the big cities, or wherever people would congregate, eddies and currents of these subtle forces would swirl around, having hues and textures which define their character and intensity.

All of this might sound like some fantasy adventure, were it not for the fact that it represents a genuine level of reality very few people get to appreciate. A thought and a stone: which is more tangible? That depends on the state of your consciousness. When a person is completely wrapped-up in a day-dream or is sleeping at night, the world has no reality for them. Their thoughts are their world.

The physical world is not all there is. Just because we don't see or hear something does not deny its existence. There is a term used to describe the unseen in our own psyche. We call it "the unconscious". This means that there is something deep inside our mind which is not immediately apparent to us. Well, there are also forces around us, which we are not necessarily conscious of, but which play a remarkable role in our lives.

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Wavelengths of Vibrations:

Physicists know that the different states of matter are defined at a minute level. A rock is made up of atoms which vibrate at a certain speed. The slower the speed, the more solid the object. This means that the molecules which comprise the rock vibrate at a slower speed than those which crystallize to form water or ice.

We understand air to be very subtle because we cannot see it. But there is still a knowledge that air has substance since it too is composed of physical atoms and therefore has a formed existence. Because air won't pass beyond the atmosphere of this planet, we know that it is confined to a certain place, beyond which there is no air. We also feel it when we breath into our palm, or when the wind is blowing in our face.

The existence of air is never questioned even though for the most part it can only be verified indirectly. But let us take this discussion a step further. A rock has atoms which have crystallized into the form of a rock. But what is a thought? Thoughts are forms, they have substance, and comprise atoms whose rate of vibrations is quicker than that of any physical object.

Thoughts are made of "thought material". They have definite dimensions of intensity, duration, and ranges of subtlety and grossness. They exist on a level that is much finer than anything our physical senses can appreciate, but despite their fleeting or ephemeral nature, their existence is no less real.

The fact is that thoughts function in a field or medium of their own. They interact with one another, accumulate in the "mental atmosphere" together, and affect the states of the people who tune into them. Just as there is a physical environment around us, there are finer levels of experience which are not immediately apparent to the waking mind.

The subtle environment in which thoughts proliferate, and the influence mental energies have on our being, relate to one aspect of experience. What is important to know is that far more than just light or sound reaches us at any given time. We are constantly exposed to many levels of vibrations, some having life-enhancing effects, and others less positive ones.

Whenever you step into any surrounding you are literally permeated by the energies prevalent there. It is a bit like jumping into cold water, only the water is a denser atmosphere than the vibrations I am referring to. If the water is cold, then your body responds by shivering or contracting. Likewise whatever vibrations we pass through have definite consequences for all aspects of our being.

In the same way we distinguish between wavelengths of matter, light and sound, the subtler levels of vibrations can be divided into different fields themselves. It can also be said that there are certain senses which operates at each of these levels, and bodies which can be stimulated, hurt, strengthened or abused in the same way our physical body can.

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Energy Transmissions:

Vibrations not only define the different states of nature, they also have another understanding. We say that when something has energy, that is "vibrant". Of course, a rock is not vibrant, unless it is thrown at you. We can then say it has a certain energy by virtue of its mass and the momentum with which it is hurled. This is a basic law of physics, as described in one of Einstein's formulas.

More to the point of our discussion, if someone can throw a rock at you, why not a thought? In fact, people tune into one another's thoughts all the time, often in innocuous ways. A person phones, and their friend says, "I've just been thinking about you". Not conscious of anything but the idea of calling, the person may not consider that the energy of their friend's thoughts was powerful enough to influence their own thinking.

Some people will conclude that these events are merely coincidental. But these types of situations are common, particularly among people with strong attachments to one another. Anyone with an intense need for your attention will tug at your mind. The energy pull is insidious, and you may end up asking yourself why you are feeling guilty or compelled in some way.

Just as a rock has force by virtue of its momentum, the power behind a thought will depend on a number of factors; for instance, on its frequency (repetition), how efficiently it is focused (concentration), and the extent to which it is emotionally charged (identification). This might not seem as neat as one of Einstein's formulas, but it helps us understand that even in the subtle realm, certain basic principles still apply.

If thoughts can have energy behind them, so can emotions. This relates to the phenomenon of what some people call "vibing". Anyone who has been the recipient of an angry outburst will not question the force behind it; particularly if it almost knocks them off their feet. Such emotions are like shock waves sent through the subtle medium. The energy output, although prodigious, is ultimately wasteful here since it is not harnessed more positively.

Emotional energy can be felt in the atmosphere, and we sometimes use physical terms to describe it. We say there is "electricity" in the air just before a big event, referring to an air of anticipation or excitement. We note there is a "chemistry" between two people, suggesting they are compatible or strongly attracted to one other. We also remark that someone with a lot of charisma has a certain "magnetism" about them.

There is a third level of subtle energy that I want to briefly mention, and it relates to what the Hindus call "prana", and the Chinese know as "Ch'i". This is the vital energy which animates the physical body and promotes health, vigor and stamina. Prana can also be found in natural sources such as food, sunshine and fresh air. Proper dieting, for instance, can have a revitalizing effect if one maximizes their pranic intake.

We all know what a vital person is like. They have a certain effervescence or sparkle about them. Being around them makes one feel bouncy and energetic as well. On the other hand, it is a chore to be around people with little vitality. If they are needy for your energy, they will drain it from you, and make you feel listless and tired. All great healers make use of the pranic energy, whether through direct touching, or unconscious projection.

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Vibrations and Consciousness:

When people talk about vibrations, they are referring to energy transmissions. These projections are so subtle that they cannot be seen or touched, at least not with the normal senses. It seems that if we are to appreciate these transmissions, something more is required by way of discerning them; but what?

The most useful thing this text do, is not to show you how to see thoughts hurling at you, or pink and red energy transmissions coming from a person who is stimulated by your company, or clouds of grey emotions billowing out of a funeral home or a hospital.

We are talking about a subtle perception here. And this awareness is part of an overall process of refinement, which means that the person becomes more sensitive because their consciousness is also changing. The outer always reflects the inner, and vice versa. If a thought can have thought atoms, why not the consciousness? The very atoms of one's consciousness can be transformed, sped-up, sharpened, or expanded.

In short, to see the subtle forces, or at least to be aware of their effect, means to transform the very state of one's consciousness. This is a spiritual process. I can give you descriptions and suggestions about what the subtle atmospheres look like around different places; you'll find such examples throughout the text. These phenomena are interesting and fun to describe.

But they are just phenomena. To see them won't make you any wiser. There are many people with occult powers who can tune in to the subtle sphere. But their goal is often to expand their ego, rather than the consciousness. A more subtle understanding must be reached: firstly that one is more than a body or mind; that what is doing the perceiving is consciousness alone; and that this consciousness is ultimately beyond any worldly phenomenon.

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The Auras of Places

I want to discuss in a very general way the energy characteristics of different settings. I am talking about the subtle layers of vibrations that are basically found permeating all places. Even in the vacuum of space, there are subtle interactions going on, which the human eyes cannot appreciate. In that sense, there is no such thing as a "pure vacuum", since there are subtle layers of energy which permeate everything.

It is actually all one great ocean of energy. The individual manifestations are simply modifications or ripples in this ocean. The denser levels relate to energy which has crystallized into form. Thus, everything is energy in potential; and this energy can be liberated from every atom in this universe, subtle or otherwise.

How is it possible that there are subtle atoms? The fabric of space itself vibrates at a certain frequency. The more compressed or dense the space, the grosser the manifestation. It is not correct to say that energy is within the form; rather, the form is within the energy. To my mind, pure energy and pure consciousness are one and the same.

Thus, this world is a product or manifestation of pure consciousness. Consciousness is the most subtle "fabric" of the universe; it is what pervades everything. The more we unfold the inner Self, the more we are able to connect with this fact. We can only do this by splitting the thought atoms which exist within the mind, and by releasing the energy of the consciousness which represents the quality of the divine, and is in fact, ultimately beyond all qualities.

The layers of vibrations do not exist independently of one another. Each strata will influence a corresponding layer, particularly if it is close to its rate of vibration, as well as several successive layers beyond it. It is a kind of ripple effect in the fabric of space; but the ripple proceeds not only laterally within the wavelength of a given field, but across each level of manifestation as well.

Thus, straight physical qualities in our environment will always have their subtle counterparts. A wall painted blue will have a certain aura; as will a yellow shirt, classical music, a German Shepherd, a dollar bill. These different subtle qualities will interact with one another. Together, they will make up a certain subtle "ambience", which will pervade the space in a given setting.

For instance, the pranic environment, which is the layer of subtle vibration that is closest to the physical, will be easily influenced by strictly physical conditions. Sunshine and fresh-air will stimulate the vital atmosphere in a positive way. Certain machines, such as computers or micro-wave ovens, emit radiation that can charge the vital field in more negative ways.

Where there is little prana in the atmosphere, a dullness is created in the emotional field, and this will be reflected in the apathy of the people there. Even a physical quality, such as the color of a room will influence the emotional plane in some way. A "cooler" color such as blue or green will elicit a calm energy, and the emotional atmosphere will seem different than if the room is charged with red or yellow.

The mental field will be disturbed by heavier vibrations in the atmosphere. Thoughts, which are made of very subtle material, will be drowned out by physical disturbances such as loud noises, or even intense emotions such as anger or fear. In order to be cultivated, the thoughts of an atmosphere need a certain refinement of vibration. This is why a library setting must remain quiet and calm.

Even spiritual qualities can be elicited by the energy we experience around us. One can create a certain atmosphere by simply lighting candles or burning incense in a quiet room, that will project a different quality than a place where a television is blaring away, or people are having a loud conversation. When someone is experiencing great devotion, the room becomes charged with their vibrations.

What is the implication of these interactions? It suggests that the physical side influences the subtle, and vice versa. The more refined the physical environment, the more refined the consciousness; and inversely, the refined consciousness will naturally attract a more subtle milieu to itself. This is an interactive process. One's taste in food, decor, and lifestyle changes, as we grow and adopt new ways of looking at the world.

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The Rules of Environmental Energies:

There are certain factors which influence the subtle energies in the environment, and it may be useful to examine them. The energy of places is often stronger or more concentrated in settings where the emotional or mental activity is intense, constant, and long-term. The effect is cumulative, such that a specific vibration will get built over time, and will take correspondingly longer to dissipate.

For instance, when I first moved into an apartment, I could sense the vibrations of the people who lived there previously. They deposited a certain type of energy related to their lifestyle, activities and ultimately the level of their consciousness. After living there for a few weeks, and doing some painting and cleaning, I became more comfortable as the old vibrations began to be supplanted by my own.

My apartment then became an extension of my personal space. The only time I felt uncomfortable there was when the vibrations of the neighbors began to encroach upon my space, as when their arguments became particularly loud or abusive. I could feel the waves of their anger pass through the walls, and became upset by the intrusion. Their loud stereo music also felt quite disturbing.

The aura of a place is very much influenced by its physical characteristics. The shape of a structure, its colors and materials will have an impact on its subtle field. For example, vibrations can seep through a thin partition, but they have a harder time passing through a well-insulated wall. This type of energy dissipates with distance, and is more concentrated in places that are small or confined, where it gets trapped and easily accumulates.

Eventually, though, any energy will dissipate no matter how strong it initially was. You can seal a room full of certain vibrations, but after a few days or months, these will disperse into the surrounding field, much like water evaporates into air. Energy has to be constantly stoked and nurtured if it is to maintain itself.

Who or what stokes the energy? To some extent, the physical environment contributes a certain vibration. A house built of wood will have a different energy than one built from stone; even the type of wood might make a difference. Living beings, such as plants or trees, will contribute vitality to a place. There is certainly a special energy permeating nature.

On a higher level of space, it is human beings who are the greatest animators of any atmosphere. With our thoughts and feelings we send waves of impressions through the subtle medium. Just by virtue of our sentience, we create a spark in the ether. It is our vibrational signature which dominates the emotional and mental fields which surround us.

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Resonating Wavelengths:

Generally, we feel most at ease around places where the vibrations resonate most closely with our own. If there is a match in terms of a certain wavelength, then we may feel comfortable chatting with friends at the local tavern, or spending the evening alone in nature, listening to the sounds of gushing water, or the crackling of a campfire. For some people the latter activity may seem boring; for others noisy taverns are not particularly comfortable places.

In fact, our moods and temperament may change, such that one activity is acceptable on a certain day, but does not seem interesting the next. Our own auric resonance is variable, as the body and mind go through various fluctuations. Some days we feel more sensitive, and most energies feel like an affront to our personal space. At other times, the auric "skin" is thicker, and we are less affected by the environment.

Wherever we go, we absorb the vibrations of that place; and the longer we spend anywhere, the more the vibrations will soak into our being. A place which was initially uncomfortable, will begin to seem acceptable after a while, and even start feeling like home eventually. This is because our vibrational rate has shifted towards the dominant energy. This is a simple mechanism of adaptation.

If you are resonating in a certain frequency that is incompatible with your surroundings, you will experience discord. For instance, you may walk into a library feeling quite active, and find the atmosphere too calm. The quietude may actually make you nervous, which is an interesting contradiction. On the flip side, I find that after a deep meditation the last place I wish to frequent is a noisy restaurant or discotheque.

Our own energy field constantly meshes with that of our surroundings. I sometimes call this personal energy field the "aura". Aura has its roots in the Greek language, and means vapor or breath. The human aura comprises different layers which inter-penetrate one another, and which represent varying degrees of subtlety and grossness. It changes colors and textures depending on the vibrations which permeate a given place.

The aura of a person is itself a metaphor for a certain wavelength of experience or consciousness. We can say, for instance, that a spiritual being has a certain auric quality, but what does it mean in terms of their consciousness? A brutish fellow will have a different personal projection, but which is ultimately reflective of their consciousness as well.

We can thus go beyond the influence of the subtle environment on the aura, and ask how the consciousness is affected. The answer: the consciousness of a being takes on the characteristics of the environment and people they frequent. The slower the vibrations one is immersed in, the heavier the consciousness becomes. The opposite is also true; refined vibrations help purify the system and raise the awareness.

A person who is constantly exposed to a grosser or slower level of vibrations will become slower themselves, at least at the level of their awareness. This is not difficult to understand. If you continually listen to a very loud noise, you ears will gradually lose their sensitivity to more subtle sounds. If you are constantly exposed to a heavier energy, your sensitivity may dull in the same way.

Those who spend much time in an agitated environment usually have nervous systems which have become accustomed to excitement and activity. A waiter or bartender will not necessarily find their work stressful from the point of view of vibrations; and many people enjoy eating at the busiest restaurants, or finding relaxation with friends at a bar or discotheque.

Ultimately, though, no matter what the disposition or level of sensitivity, a person will be affected by the energies around them. If the environment is stagnant or oppressive, the speed of the consciousness slows, and the mind becomes lethargic. A scattered vibration creates uneasiness in the system. It speeds-up the mind atoms, but the energy created has no inner focus, and is ultimately damaging for the person.

People don't know how agitated they are until they try to sit quietly. In my meditation classes some have difficulty sitting still for even five minutes. Others simply sleep. They are unable to maintain the alertness required for the mind to focus sufficiently. These reactions are all a question of lifestyle, which includes the influence of environmental vibrations on their being.

In the next few chapters, I want to examine the various subtle planes, from the lower vibrations of energy, to the higher ones. The pranic field is the closest manifestation to the physical, so it will be the first focus of attention. As one moves up the various dimensions the vibrational quality becomes finer, until finally the spiritual dimension is reached.

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