Semester Outline
I. The Ancient World (The role of Women in Ancient History, Ancient Art)
A. Ancient Sumer (Mythology, Cuneiform, Code of Hammurabi)
B. Ancient Egypt (Medicine, Hieroglyphics Mummification, Pyramids, Egyptian Women)
C. Ancient Israel (Israeli Recipes, The Dead Sea Scrolls)
II. The Classical World
A. Greece (Etymology, Greek Mythology, Women in Greek Mythology, Athens, Sparta, Alexander the Great, Greek Mathematics, Hellenistic Civilization, Hellenistic Period)
B. Roman Empire (Roman Emperors, Tour of Ancient Rome, Tour of the Roman Forum, Roman Recipes, Roman Ball, Marriage in Rome, Days of the Week, Roman Calendar)
C. Rise of the Christian Church (Late Antiquity Magic, Mithraism, Augustine, Alternative Gospels, Art, Vatican)
III. Medieval World (Medieval Sourcebook, Feudal Life, Dictionary of Feudal Terms, Feudal Institutions, Feudal Titles, Feudal Social Structure, Medieval Women, Military History, Medieval Music, Medieval Art & Architecture, International Center of Medieval Art, Gothic Architecture)
A. Kingdom of the Franks
B. The Byzantine Empire (Byzantine History, Byzantium & the Crusades)
C. Medieval England (Norman Conquest, Bayeaux Tapestry, Magna Carta, Magna Carta Manuscript, Magna Carta in English / Latin Illuminated Manuscripts England)
D. Rise of the Medieval Church ( Donation of Constantine)
E. Medieval Germany
F. Medieval France (Medieval Paintings in France, Manuscripts from Charles V)
G. Medieval scandinavia (Danish Medieval Church Murals, Baptismal Fonts form Gotland, Viking Bronze works)
H. The Crusades
IV. The Renaissance (Renaissance Games, Weddings, Executions, Plagues, Dante's Inferno, Records from Florence, Savonarola)
A. Machiavelli v. Castiglione
B. Renaissance Art ( Botticelli, Donatello, Pieter Breugel, Bruegel, Michelangelo, Michelangelo, Donatello, Durer, Durer, Van Eyck, Da Vinci, Raphael, Raphael, Titian, Titian, Ghiberti, Cellini, Memling, Mantegna, Rubens, Holbein
, Bellini, Giorgione, Weyden, Veronese, Tintoretto)
V. The Reformation (Timeline, Donation of Constantine, Saints Index)
A. Martin Luther (95 Theses, Luthers Writings and Hymns,)
B. John Calvin ( Calvin's Institutes,
Necessity of Reforming the Church
C. Ulrich Zwingli
D. The Annabaptists
E. The Thirty Years War (Timeline, Cartoon and Letter, Treaty of Westphalia)
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