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University of Illinois


U of I Linguistics Department

U of I
Italian, and Portuguese

U of I
French Department

U of I German

U of I

DEIL English as an International Language

Intensive English Institute

University YMCA

Nadia's French Page

SOL Spanish on Line

Dennis Spanish in Spain Page

East Asian Languages and Culture

Japan House

Language Learning Laboratory


South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

[Brazil, fluttering flag]

[Spain, fluttering flag]

[Italy, fluttering flag]

[Japan, fluttering flag]

[France, fluttering flag]

[France, fluttering flag] [India, fluttering flag] Fe st iv al of
Lang ua ge s Ô [Spain, fluttering flag][Brazil, fluttering flag]

[Spain, fluttering flag]

[Japan, fluttering flag] [France, fluttering flag] [Kenya, fluttering flag] [India, fluttering flag]

Urbana, Illinois USA, Saturday March 27, 1999
10AM to 6PM, Foreign Languages Building

Tours, France: Samedi 20, Dimanche 21 mars
aux Halles de Tours, 9h - 20h

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Do you speak a foreign language?  Would you like to volunteer in Urbana? in Tours?

news.gifDetails on the Urbana Festival of Languages

What 50+ foreign languages, presented in 150 mini-lessons of 40 minutes each throughout the day, international music, international associations.
Who For YOU, and anyone from the age of 5 to 95 who would like to see our wonderful world of languages and cultures!
Where Foreign Languages Building on the Quad at the University of Illinois--Classes are on the first floor. Angela, from Taiwan, will give you a tour! Just click on the links. Check here for the map of the Foreign Langauges Building (FLB) on the Quad.
Time From 10:00 in the morning to 6:00 in the evening. Foreign language mini-lessons start every hour one the hour. First lessons begin at 10:00, and last class starts at 6:00 PM, and finishes at 6:40.
Day Saturday, March 27, 1999 (tentative date, subject to confirmation)
Price FREE for everyone: students, kids, families. Families are welcome to attend any of the foreign language classes as a group.
What Else Music from around the world: Africa, South America, Europe, Asia. Music for 10 minutes between all language lessons. Additional international music and dance inside, and perhaps (weather permitting) outside the Foreign Languages Building.
What More Dozens of international associations. Look at our list.
Sponsors Campus YMCA
U of I Linguistics Department
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Kids K-8
Welcome, too!

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Hasta la Fiesta!
See you there!

Organized by
Dennis Keefe

creator of LinguaFest and
the Festival of Languages
© 1995-1998

Last Updated on January 19, 1999