Theory of the Cosmos

That which is rotational and cyclic is so because it is bounded i.e.
limited. The constraints of its boundry creates circular motion.
Space-time is curved. The universe is not linear; it is a loop.

But if space-time has limits what is beyond? Perhaps a meld of the two;
a black mass commonly referred to as a "black hole". The cosmos is a
honeycomb of "universe cells". That which is our known universe is a
portion of one of perhaps an infinite number of cells. The cell wall is
composed of black mass which is neither conventional mass or space. The
internal cellular dynamics is powered by stress which is concentrated in
the center of the cell. This "hot spot" or highly concentrated area of
energy regenerates itself into radiation and quanta. Creation is the
process of this newly formed mass (particles) working its way from this
center of creation toward the cell wall. Creation radiates in all
directions from this central point. The universe is expanding not
because of some "big bang" explosion but from the cell-wall gravitation
which completely surrounds the central point of creation.

As universal mass combines with the cell wall it adds to the black mass.
This addition is transferred to the cell's center and is converted into
quanta and particles. In this manner physical existence is perpetuated
by being thus recycled.

It is not difficult to believe there is interaction between universe
cells. In other words energy from one cell can be transferred through
the cell wall into an adjacent cell. This could have a "ripple effect"
causing energy from one cell to work its way through many cells.
Perhaps even a cosmic resonance is established which creates defined
paths through the cosmic cellular architecture. Taken as a whole we can
envision lines of dedicated or specialized communications established
throughout the structure........