Forum / Workshop on Present Economic Situation :
- Crisis or Opportunity? What Strategies-?
Time / Date: 9.00 - 12.00 noon, 17th January, 98. Saturday
Venue : Plaza Hotel, Kapit Room, 1st Floor,
Expenses: $25 per participant for refreshment and Chinese set lunch
Objectives :
- Sharing of ideas on above among Bintulu Business Leaders
- Learning the use of Creativity Techniques for ideas generation
- Design your own strategies after variety of ideas
Proposed Programme :
- 1.0 Introduction
- 2.0 Participants Expectation and Concerns
- 3.0 Understanding Present Economic Situation-
S.W.O.T. Analysis using brainstorming (Participants' perception using group thinking)
- 4.0 Crisis or Opportunity?
- Fishbone Analysis - External / Internal Factors
- Future Scenario - World / Bintulu
- 5.0 Ideas on Opportunity?
- Concept Fans and / or PMI
- 6.0 Key Concepts and Strategies & What Next?
- 7.0 Meeting Evaluation & Learning on Creativity
Number of Participants :
Maximum 20, Business leaders / owners of different types of business.
Sponsor :Plaza Hotel for use of seminar room
Organised and Facilitated by a group of Sacred Heart old students (professionals) as a service to the business community in Bintulu. Language used : ENGLISH
Interested, please Fax : Andrew Wong, 086-253804
Tel: Richard Sia, 086-315168
eMail :
Meeting Report
A group of Business Leaders and professional gathered to exchange ideas on Current Economic Situation with the view of designing some useful Opportunity Concepts on 17th Jan. 1998 in Bintulu, Sarawak.
Participants' Expectation
- To gauge Bintulu sentiment on current situation
- To find out "Is bottomline P/L, B/S really the problem and Focus"?
- To learn about SHOSA (Sacred Heart Old Students Association) mission.
- To learn from each other.
- To start a Change Movement, in a humble way
- Expectation of "Solutions"
- What Measures / What Strategies?
Scanning Current Environment using S.W.O.T (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats) brainstorming technique, focusing on "Present Situation" :
W1: High inflation
W2: Social Problem
W3: Liquidity problem
W4: Lack of confidence e.g. in financial institutions
W5: Limited resources
W6: Non-optimisation of available resources
W7: Poor investment return
W8: On going projects disrupted or abandoned
W9: Cancellation of projects
W10: Authority new regulation / intervention can make situation worse
W11: Denial Syndrome
W12: No self-reflection, examination to gauge internal strength
W13: Lack of transparency on macro and micro levels
W14: No G. Soros in Malaysia
W15: No Clear direction from higher up
W16: Business community lost direction
W17: Wrong Experts' advise
W18: Asian Market : Negative Chain- Effect
W19: US currency as benchmark is the problem
W20: Foreign Big Brothers soon in control
W21: Another "Explosion" in Bintulu?
W22: Bintulu : heavy dependency on a few industries or corporations
W23: Bintulu property slump
S1: Availability of labour
S2: Increase in export
S3: People still generally have faith / hope
S4: Bintulu is rather "Sheltered"
S5; Cheaper properties
S6: Plantation sector booming: advantage to outsiders, not Bintulu
S7: Natural resources rich : oil / gas / timber
S8: Possibility of big projects : deep sea port, LNG III, etc.
S9: Healthy population
S10: High % of professionals : intellectuals
S11: I.T. brings people closure
S12: Stable Government put to test.
S13: We are still better off compared with Asian neighbours, hence can use them as projection and learning from their pitfall of corrective measures.
S14: More awareness / catalyst groups
S15: Awareness to support local products
S16: US realises the importance of inter-dependency
S17: Global Village, Global Community more meaningful now
S18: During boom time, more unity and collaboration among Asian countries, now can use the same mechanisms to help out each other
T1: Prolong inflationary recession
T2: No money to pay the bank
T3: Loss of Jobs
T4: Social un-rest. crime rate increases etc.
T5: IMF takes over?
T6: More traffic accidents
T7: Suicidal problem, more medical problems
T8: Increase in insurance fraud
T9: KLSE CI towards 200?
T10: Unknown and uncontrolled disease
T11: More environmental impact: Air / water pollution
T12: Bankruptcy
T13: More explosion, air crashes, man-made disasters, etc. due to cost cutting ...
T14: Too much emphasis on cost cutting and saving
T15: Change of Government in some countries
T16: Everything comes to a standstill due to cost cutting and saving drive
T17: Deflation
T18: RM currency further weakens?
T19: Excessive competition in a few promising sectors.
Some observations / analysis of participants' thought pattern by this writer:
- 1.0 SWOT ideas in summary touch on a) economic system, b) societal system, c) business / organisation system, d) People behaviour, e) Management, f) Government system, g) I.T. factor, h) Global village / Borderless society effect, i) Health, Safety, Environment system.
- 2.0 Majority describe symptoms outside own sphere of control and influence.
- 3.0 Little probe into own (i.e. participants' and or participant organisation) inherent strength / weakness.
- 4.0 Possible reflection of current paradigm : no deep emphaty (or actual experience, or real deep felt imagination) of worse scenario to trigger some real, urgent effective and creative action.
- 5.0 Possible indication of no earlier sound relationship built on trust and teamwork foundation among participants to share real problems (Note: some participants met the first time during workshop).
- 6.0 Environmental scanning e.g. using SWOT without touching on REALITY, that is without surfacing the rest problems within the control, influence or domain of the participants, may not produce effective result for enduring change or action.
- 7.0 Brainstormed ideas are mostly perception, speculation, imagination, ...
- 8.0 There is little or no KNOWLEDGE perspectives. The KNOWLEDGE (Technology, Skill, Competency, Management, resources, etc.,) that propelled the earlier years economic successes, was left in the dark room. Focus more on fund, loan, liquidity problem, assets, property etc. A skewed and unbalanced approach.
Fishbone (Cause & Effect) Analysis of the SWOT symptoms
C1: Macro level - productivity below expectation
C2: Macro level - not diversified market, only concentrated on Asian countries
C3: Economic imbalance
C4: Trade deficit increasing
C5: Living beyond means
C6: Lack of co-ordination / collaboration among countries
C7: Poor management of resources
C8: Over investment in "glorified" projects
C9: So called Expert opinions are proved wrong
C10: Bank : excessive salesmanship during good time with easy money
C11: A few ambitious guys dominate with greed
C12: Prolong good life leads to complacency
C13: Lack of universal value system with shared vision
C14: Excess liquidity earlier as driving force
C15: Corruption
C16: Dependent on foreign fund
C17: Market too efficient
C18: I.T. information flow in split of second, not in balance / harmony with flows of others aspects / components within the operating system e.g. economic or business.
C19: Pawn to Big Brothers
C20: Investment / saving Gap filled by foreign fund
C21: Promotion of a few giant conglomerate
C22: Power - Greed
In Bintulu context
C23: Too many copycats
C24: Lack of innovation / creativity
C25: Not utilising information appropriately
C26: Some companies too desperate to sell
C27: Some leader's talk too radical and too soon
C28: Too much gossip / rumour.
Some observation / analysis of participants' thought pattern by this writer:
- 1.0 Many of the above can still be the symptoms or events description and not underlying causes.
- 2.0 Underlying Causes of Symptoms can be a) Pattern, b) Structure. In this respect little thought was expressed in this direction. This is a discipline that need a lot of practices. [Structure : is defined as anything that affects human behaviour. Structure produces certain pattern, which give rise to symptoms on the surface that become obvious]
- 3.0 Proper identification of Root Causes that are within the influence and control of the individual or organisation can produce effective result towards one's designed Future.
- 4.0 There in little or no perspective that "collectively WE ALL contribute to the larger problem". The Cause can be "us" (as individual, organisation, business, institution etc..), not just external to our field of activities.
- 5.0 Limitation and difficulties again as most expressed ideas may not be participants deep felt concerns or problem, hence the ideas remain floating speculation without anchor to Reality of the participants' environment / context.
Future Scenario : 1998 - 2000
World: 1998 - 2000
FW1: Many companies disappear
FW2: New aggressive group dominate the scene
FW3: Europe becomes the centre of growth : Shift from US to Europe
FW4: Less fragmented market
FW5: US market down 50%
FW6: More Asian Unity and World Unity
FW7: World Market index further down
FW8: KLSE index gets pulled down further
FW9: US currency no longer the benchmark
FW10: More barter trade
Bintulu / Malaysia: 1998 - 2000
FB1: More insolvent companies
FB2: Good shake out
FB3: Decrease in Bintulu population due to migration to other places
FB4: Property prices further down
FB5: Bintulu people still stable and OK, even babies boom
FB6: Listed companies taken over by others
FB7: Bank will take lead to stimulate growth
FB8: Bank better control and selective also
FB9: More transparency politically.
Some observation / analysis of participants' thought pattern by this writer:
- 1.0 There are some mis-match and contradiction between the above and SWOT brainstormed perceptions.
- 2.0 Further analysis may show that most of the expressed "Causes" in the Fishbone Analysis may still be true. If so, the future should not be dramatically different from present. If that is the case, we are all followers to other dominant change, or like floating on tidal wave, up or down, dependent on other forces, not dependent on us.
- 3.0 Not until we have compelling clear Vision, coupled with our perceived Future scenes, can we draw energy within ourselves to take effective action towards our goals / desire.
Opportunity Concepts
O1: Shift / change hand of wealth
O2: Take over plantation companies
O3: Insolvency : single or group
O4: Wider market penetration through agencies
O5: Strategic alliance
O6: A case: Tycoon in bad shape -> Quick Action, Leadership with credibility and innovation, Win-Win solution with bank.
O7: Need Support from others e.g bank, tourism
O8: Bank needs reliable signal, some constraint by Bank Negara
O9: Bank / Finance to identify and support promising "sector"
O10: Self Reflection / analysis : manage change
O11: Human Resource management
O12: Individual : From life insurance to F.D. From E.P.F. to buying house.
O13: More competition in some sector, need creative competition
O14: Sell Fast, Collect Later
O15: Sell Cheaper, but Cash
O16: Alliance and Teaming
This facilitator shared some of his thoughts on Opportunity concepts with the participants:
Present Economic Situation :
- Crisis or Opportunity? What Strategies?
Some Opportunity Concepts and Strategies
- 1.0 Alliance
- 2.0 Think Win-Win : Present & Future WINS
- 3.0 Breakout from Vicious Circle
- 4.0 Invent New Rules : Existing Rules are Restraining Forces
- 5.0 Problem Solving and Future Investment
- hand in hand
- 6.0 Accounting into the Future
- 7.0 Create Sphere of Influence
- 8.0 "Close" the Boundary and
Start Activities within Closure
- 9.0 Think "Cause and Effect" Loop
- 10.0 Elliot / Tidal Waves /Cycle - Timing to Retreat, to Prepare & to Advance (3 in One Strategy)
- 11.0 [Vision / Knowledge] >|< [Capital / Assets]
- 12.0 Think Connect / Dis-connect
- 13.0 ......
What Next?
N1: Implement some of the ideas
N2: Establish network
N3: Review own organisation strength and weakness
N4: Community awareness
N5: Influencing people towards realistic direction through own organisation members
N6: All parties to meet, to collaborate : govt. agencies, local authority, business entities, institution
N7: Seize the opportunities
Participants' Learning on Creativity Tool / Techniques and Role-Play
L1: Brainstorm
L3: Fishbone
L4: Future Picture
L5: Some debate and argument
R1: As participants
R2: Observer
R3: Facilitator
R4: Idea generator
R5: System Thinker
R6: Presenter of Worldview
Meeting Evaluation:
Success Factors
SF1: To know each other better
SF2: Feel at ease
SF3: Gain wider perspectives
SF4: Good representation of various sectors / background
SF5: Participative
SF6: Creative
SF7: Balanced world views
SF8: Good time keeping
SF9: Use of creative thinking tools / techniques
Meeting Evaluation:
What can be Improved?
I1: Time constraint
I2: Get to know each other background better before hand
I3: Need case study to demonstrate some concepts
Soul Searching Questions for participants towards effective action:
- 1.0 To create your sphere of influence in order to cope and co-create a new Future for yourself / organisation, irrespective of whatever the state of current economic situation .... where and how is the Practice Field for Leadership & Creativity Thinking with regular practice?
- 2.0 How do you see / recognise the "answers" / "solutions" that lie within yourself or organisation if you know how to channel the latent energy for such exploration?
- 3.0 How do you see the Differences between KNOWLEDGE (Skills, Techniques, creativity, technology, management, *business, etc. that most take for granted) and WEALTH (money, property, asset, etc. which most worry about now without realising that is it the former, KNOWLEDGE, that created the later, WEALTH. [Note : in Chinese, *Business means Living with Meaning, what does it mean to you?]
- 4.0 In this Borderless and inter-connected world, someone failures or difficulties can also negatively impact on your present success, how do you see your roles in this Bintulu community to make sure there is no excessive problems in other sectors that may eventually affect you also, assuming that you are OK currently?
- 5.0 Your organisation may have 20 or 200 people, do you see them as a source of creative energy to be tapped and channelled towards win-win for all? What about the chain of entities in which you operate your business : your suppliers, service providers, bankers, customers etc.
Creative Thinking and Effective Strategies / Action
Andrew Wong,
Forum / Workshop Facilitator / System Thinker
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By Andrew Wong, 18th Jan. 1998
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