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After conducting many facilitation sessions to help individuals & organizations to craft their visions, I have much observations and reflection on such important subjects. There is, no doubt, much enthusiasm during workshop, but enormous difficulties faced by participants during and after workshop. Many times, the crafted vision fall flat, except only some intellectual exercise in coming up with nice phrases or statements, or they are mere self-illusion, as deep in the hearts of the participants, they do not feel anything, nor do their hearts beat any faster. If the process gives rise to any excitement or emotional engagement, it is short-lived, especially when the participants are back to the real world from the training rooms. However there are a few individuals, very very few, who continue to crystallize their visions that guide their life.
This article examines the behavior pattern and offers some insight and understanding on this mysterious subject on Visions Creation.
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By Andrew Wong, 10th Jan, 2002
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