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A new phenomena is in the making – professionals, self-employed, businessmen rushing towards Direct Sale, Pyramid Scheme. Oh no! they are replaced by new names – “e-Commerce”, “New Dream”, “Creating your New Future”, “Network Marketing” or whatever evocative phrases or catchy words! It is a movement one should not ignore as it might well be a new emerging social force! -------------------------------------------------
Are the masses reacting to current unsatisfactory living conditions, or are they really building a new vision, irrespective of current reality of life?
When consumers are reacting, wanting to be business partners in their purchase of consumed products, what will it lead to? How would the traditional business and manufacturing sectors react?
What will happen to the professional diversified knowledge that are essential to fuel the economy and industries? What implication to the future generation, with what type of education investment should the parent decide now?
In the old traditional world, we have distinct set of producers and consumers – of products and services. But the current new trend is consumers are also the business partners, and they form large networking group and community that can form a life by itself – with power to dictate the market.
It may be scary to think of all consumers becoming business partners? At the same time, such business model maybe most appropriate in today world of globalization.
Drivers for the new Phenomena
Underlying Structures propelling direct sale high growth From Trend to Implications and to further Changes Generating New and interesting IdeasInspired to read some more books? Buy from Amazon .... | Want to search for title, author, or random search starting from a concept ..? |
By Andrew Wong, 12th Dec, 2001
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