Dear FactoryOwner,

Greeting to you.

During my half an hour visit to your factory, you were kind to show me around, explaining the manufacturing process from raw materials to end product. At the same time, you shared with me your concern about the quality problem, particularly the high rate of reject finished products that becomes costly. You highlighted the problem of the human factor : namely the foremen not taking good initiatives, the production manager not effective in managing, etc.

From the visit and our subsequent discussion, I share with you my "observation and thinking" in the format of the following Organisation Iceberg model, i.e. [Symptoms] [Pattern] [System] [Motives]. (Note: a graphical presentation of the Organisation Iceberg Model can be viewed from the knowledgebase of Outsights, It is hoped that this initial exploratory stage will lead to greater discovery to fulfil your business goals.

[SYMPTOM] (Activities, Events, Context, Perception ....)

[PATTERN] (Principles, Deduction, Theories ....}

From the above described Symptoms, inclusive of activities, events, context, perception etc. the following maybe derived:

[SYSTEM] (Structures ....)

We will now review and re-examine the System from the Design perspectives, e.g. what are the clearly specified requirements as controlling inputs. As you company is certified to ISO 9000 Quality Model, I shall refer to such management tools to address the overall System Design and its effectiveness focusing on the core manufacturing process.

You may have noticed that while initially we address the human factors and behaviours, we have to examine the underlying operating system, its design and implementation. With a good review of the system design, we can now examine the incentives / rewards scheme. I wish to suggest some guiding principles less improper incentives / rewards design not only produces counter productive result, but also it may be detrimental to the system performance.

Incentives / Rewards Guiding Principles

The above exploratory steps are also the essence of Management Review (Refer ISO 9000 cl. 4.1.3 Management Review). We need to ensure integrity of the overall System Design and Implementation (effectiveness), before we become overly concerned with symptomic human factors or behaviour. Then we will focus on increasing the human capacity to ensure the designed / improved System works. This will involve different set of Knowledge, Techniques and Skills for which we could explore further, with me as your Personal Coach and Organisation Coach..

Yours FaithfullyAndrew Wong, 2nd Dec. 1999

For an example of Job Description of a Health Safety and Environment Manager, go to Internet Knowledgebase

Another related artilce is "Job Design". Started with a set of typical job descriptions and discussion on a Job Design Model

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