This article is inspired by "Principles of a Knowledge Leveraging Community Infrastructure" by Gene Gellinger, of Outsights, Inc..
A society is made up of groups of people, with whatever may be the modes of production of whatever kind, using whatever available technology or know-how, in order to co-exist towards a goal, expressed or not. In this respect, knowledge is an important component for any human activity or transaction to take place. In a wider scene, Knowledge encompasses all the conventional understanding of knowledge, technology, information, know-how, methodology, understanding, perception, theories, principles, philosophy, ... anything that can also contribute towards wisdom for human survival, creation and future. Leveraging knowledge society implies then a self-organising, self-generative mechanism towards whatever maybe the defined or unexpressed purpose of mankind in this earth.
As we look back into the human past, it seemed that the driving force behind any mankind endeavour was the human instincts for survival. If that theory is true, man of present day certainly has acquired better and refined "intelligence" (more than just instinct) judging from the so call materialistic progress we have accomplished. However from another perspectives, we don't seem to have the "right" intelligence looking at the many conflicting situations mankind is facing now : wars among ourselves, environmental destruction due to mankind pursuit for greater progress, excessive competition resulting in losing games for all global business community, luring and promises of prospective jobs followed by massive downsizing, endless and vicious high medical costs, change in dramatic weather pattern with some convincing theories that it is man-made, economic tremor without any warning signs, etc.....
Indeed mankind has built a self-organising and self-generative mechanism in our society to move on with life. But a life heading to a very un-certain future. We don't seem to have a clue, let alone wisdom to visualise or imagine.
Let's us simplify the Leveraging Knowledge model a bit in order to dig into some insights to our present state of affairs, and possibly design a new outcome. Let's confine Knowledge to the conventional stuff in educational institutions or schools. In the earlier time, such knowledge was a privilege or luxury of the noble, the rich or the powerful. In the west, the knowledge was in the hand of the Church, and in the east, in the emperors or kings. Or it was the Church or the Emperors who assimilated and consolidated such knowledge base. Largely through the work of religious missionaries, or dedicated scholars, knowledge was spread to more common people for some compelling conviction either as social justice, or means to alleviate the poor or the exploited, or for the sheer joys of bringing knowledge to a wider group of people. Hence there was some sort of Goals, knowledge spread was made possible by a group of dedicated people. It was certainly not self-organising, and self generative in any way, rather with much input, energy, vision, sacrifice and fearless and selfless dedication.
As time went by, system evolves from the earlier effort. Schools and institution with trained teachers and lecturers sprout out. The advancing society requires more educated people and supply continues to pour in with students and learners. It is then a rather self-organising and self-generative society as far as educational system is concerned, with visible deliverables that is measurable - certification like degree or diploma. We can conclude that a leveraging knowledge society is created with a clear goal of producing certified students, to satisfy the ever increasing demand by various sectors of the industries or current mode of production. But we all know that certified students are not necessary intelligent people with wisdom that can solve many of our current man made world problems.
But the reinforcing loop continues to produce more and more certified students, knowing very well that they won't acquire extra knowledge or wisdom to make this world a better place, or a world close to anyone's ideals or imagination.
This is indeed mankind dilemma : a leveraging knowledge society with its highly connected mechanisms, continue with great unstoppable momentum in our mode of production and interaction with fellow mankind.
An interesting and bold experimentation is taking place in Outsights.. It seems that the founder, conscious of much inadequacy of present human intelligence and capacity in shaping a clearer and creative future for mankind, is designing an infra-structure to breakout from the above described reinforcing loop that traps the miserable human beings. An infrastructure that is based on sound universal principles and theories, that may lead to a self-organising and self-generative towards a new direction and vision for this global community. It is a creative infra-structure in which associates who subscribe to the same universal principles and theories are invited to share their experience and wisdom in the form Solution Objects in artificial intelligent computerised Knowledge database. Internet community members are invited to interact with the knowledge to gain insights or throw challenge and give feedback, so that a improved knowledge base is constantly being created. This will lead to a self-organising and self-generative mechanisms towards a vision / direction that is co-created by both associates and members, all part of the larger global community.
When this momentum is created among a critical mass, a crystallised vision will then be that of the Global Community. This will certainly change the landscape of this Borderless world, which at the present time, we see more chaos than order, confusion than clarity, competition than co-operation, individualism than teamwork.
Through the participative environment of the Outsights., creativity and synergy are enabled. The meaning of "man does not live on bread alone" can be explored further. Mankind has a good chance to define a better purpose of life instead of present pursuit for economic gain.
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By Andrew Wong, 15th Feb. 1998
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