ISO 9000 has been a popular and common accreditation by many organisations throughout the world. Generally it is widely used as a tool by the Management. This author explores the use of the ISO 9000 principles from the "Service" perspective.
The context of "Service" is set in the following domains:
Quality Policy
Conventional management thinking on "Quality Policy" is to satisfy or "serve" the customers better. This could be the direction and purpose of the organisational entity. However, some missing zip saw puzzle pieces are not realised : that is, the goal in life of individuals in the organisation should also be based on "services" to all inter-dependent parties within and outside the organisation. Some organisations introduce "internal customers" or "next process is also our customer" concept, which to some extend does fill up some gaps in the zip saw puzzle picture, but not completely. A crucial question that was seldom asked : "What "Services" are rendered by the upper management?". The mental models most commonly projected or perceived on the roles of upper management are : leader in the traditional sense (a hero, commando, captain of a ship), and panel of judges who determine the employee promotion or demotion, recruitment or termination, merit or demerit performance. The concept of rendering a "service" that invokes an image of "servant" to be embedded as an attribute of leadership is either un-conceivable, or found psychologically repulsive.
In a larger arena, organisations with the products that somehow are of "service" to one another in a society, is made most obscure and off tangent in the drive for higher profit (with cost reduction), and intense competition in this borderless world, resulting in many un-intended and unwanted consequences like pollution, social problems and stresses to the economic and financial systems.
Quality Policy, from the standpoint of "SERVICE" to mankind, individually and collectively for a better future for all parties concerned in this fragile earth, can be a deep calling towards profound change with greater creativity and intelligence.
Management Responsibility
The prevailing Management paradigm, due to the limitation of "Quality Policy" definition not focusing on "Service" in its totality, can only indulge in the outdated management practices that are only applicable during the old smoke-factories industrial era, creating conflicts and contradiction in this age of information technology, global village and knowledge society. The traditional command and control, divide and manage using hierarchical structure, continuously create symptomic pattern of work stress, office politics, alienation of personal aspiration from working life, making high sounding words like teamwork, cohesiveness and professionalism mere slogan or mockery.
Much reengineering efforts by some organisations, though theoretically banish the Taylorain "Divide and Manage" doctrine, are still governed by "command and control" mentality of the upper management.
Management responsibility with "Service" as the main driving force, can radically change the landscape of organisation structure, responsibility & authority, resources and management review. A whole new paradigm shift will be the emergent phenomena when every person, irrespective of rank and file, reflects on whatever thing he or she does, with deep question like "what service do I render for the betterment of colleagues, organisation and society".
Purchasing and Contract Review
The elements of "Purchasing and Contract Review" are two powerful ISO 9000 principles that guide the relationship of the organisation with her suppliers and customers. In the pursuit of "Service" to another, a new work culture will be based on collaboration and less on inspection / rejection, sharing of knowledge and less on maximising one's profit or interest, and win-win / greater win for society instead of taking advantage at the expense of others.
It may sound ideals and Utopia, but it is the ultimate test to genuine Shared Vision, Leadership and challenge to human intelligent capacity and self actualisation. It is certainly a big contrast to the conventional "Vision and Mission" statements prominently displayed on walls in gold frame.
Design Control & Process Control
The philosophy of "Design" and "Process", once centred on "Services", will bring forth the best of human intelligence and creativity, making use of the available tools and knowledge for the business entity. Control will be viewed and implemented not against the people, inhibiting or stifling their growth, but on the designed processes that make up the system. It is a control of an environment from undesirable intervention in order to motivate and liberalise the human intrinsic desire to serve and to excel.
Corrective and preventive action & Statistical Techniques
With the guiding idea of "Service" to mankind and society, a larger paradigm is created to move away from the traditional narrow approach of fragmented and piecemeal corrective and preventive action with the use of measurement tools. But it involves a good discipline of System Thinking to really appreciate the cause and effect relationship over time and space and visualising the consequences of collective events that may work against us or wash away all the good sincere effort.Training & Internal Quality Audits and other elements
In this new emergent world of "services to society", training, internal quality audit and other elements will be viewed in the light of "Continuous Learning and Improvement process", resulting not only Learning by individuals, but also Learning Organisation and Learning Society. It will become an inspiration source of knowledge towards greater human wisdom for the co-creation of a global community.
In summary we can conclude that ISO 9000 principles can be put into more powerful and creative use when the fundamental premise is addressed : that is, the purpose / goal of individuals, organisations and society. It will then become the core driving force for greater synergy and creativity.
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By Andrew Wong, 27th Feb. 1998
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