The Tao of Coaching

"The Tao of Coaching" is an idea given by my Internet mentor, Mr. Gene Bellinger of Outsights. He further encouraged me to develop further the concept into something more concrete.

The intention is to benefit those who wish to acquire the necessary Knowledge, Techniques and Skills to be an effective coach so as to create an influence that benefits self and community at large. As illustrated in my previous article on Personal Coach and Organisation Coach, a Coach is by no means a person of superior status, but in fact a person with great appetite in Learning. Coaching is an avenue for self-development and self-actualisation to effect a Learning that helps transformation to a desired outcome that is win-win in nature.

What is "Coaching?"

Coaching is a process of discovery of insights, gaining new perspectives through practice and interaction that enables one to move on with life in order to continuously seek happiness, harmony and peace to self, others, society and the environment we live in.

"The Tao of Coaching" is a large domain and hence a great challenging goal for this writer. I take it as an evolutionary process towards the "The Tao", i.e. a step and not really a State yet. "The Tao of Coaching" encompasses [Practice] [Principles] [Essence]. [Practice] refers to activities, events, symptoms, happening, tasks, etc. and [Principles] entails pattern, root causes, systemic forces, structures, etc. [Essence] implies the ultimate: philosophy, knowledge in its totality, and wisdom.

The past many knowledge object or solutions in QuaSylatic Knowledgebase and this homepage address more on [Practice] and [Principles]. The actual state of [Essence] should be a deep felt experience and being, not just motherhood statement or slogan. For that to happen, some fundamental discipline in " making things happen" is necessary. This invokes Methodology : {Techniques} {Strategies} {Tools} {Models} {Psychology} which require constant practices in the process of coaching. But Methodology cannot exist in vacuum : it needs continuously learned Knowledge (like Theories) as nourishment.

Hence a new set of Objects solutions will be created to the Internet Knowledgebase focusing on Methodology and underlying Wisdom-Knowledge.

It is to be understood that such coaching approach towards "The Tao of Coaching" needs not necessary involves two persons : a coach and a client. Such disciplinary approach could be applied to oneself. On the same token, a person mastering "The Tao of Coaching" needs not apply it to a person, or persons who consciously see themselves as clients with formal clients-coach relationship. It could just be apparently causal conversation with friends or strangers. In the case of formal clients-coach relationship, more opportunities exist for structural approach over a agreed time-frame or until the intended objectives are met.

Personal Mastery of the "Tao of Coaching" cannot be complete without deep reflection and review by the coach-to-be. Whether the outcome of the coaching produces promising results or negative results, self- revelation must take place. It is the Principle of Action Learning: in which "coaching" is mere "action" or "activity" in which Learning must be derived. A test of genuine Learning is "something" that can prompt you to improve and excel more towards your intended goals in life and self-actualization. A Corner for Reflection is created as per QuaSylatic Knowledgebase Reflection and Inspirational Corner

What about Motivation?

So, what about motivation? Should a coach-to-be be motivated first? Then I will ask: Should a baby be motivated to cry, to laugh or to crawl? In this respect, some aspects of motivation is inherent in human being. But should a baby be motivated to solve the world problems like wars, environmental pollution? Or, when should a baby be motivated to tackle the problems of the universe? Of course not. Now, I ask you: "Would you be motivated to help a young boy who just fell from a bicycle in front of you? Of course, you would. Because it is within your capability and capacity. In the same light, through coaching process, motivation increases as we increase our capacity, capability and intelligence to "make things happen", starting with "small things" around us in our own context or reality.

With the above introduction and framework designed, new Object solutions will be added to the Knowledgebse, and the gained wisdom is again shared with the readers of this homepage, or at QuaSylatic Knowledgebase.

Now let's review and ponder on ...., What is "Coaching?"

Coaching is a process of discovery of insights, gaining new perspectives through practice and interaction that enables one to move on with life in order to continuously seek happiness, harmony and peace to self, others, society and the environment we live in.


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By Andrew Wong, 10th April. 1998


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