DIET RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE EDGAR CAYCE READINGS "It is rather the Combination of foods that nakes for the disturbance in most physical bodies." (416) FRUITS "Do not combine acid-reacting fruits (citrus--orange, grapefruit, lemon) with starches (corn, potatoes, rice, spaghetti) other than whole wheat bread. "And do not have cereals, which contain a greater quantity of starch than most, at the same meal with citrus fruits." (416-10) "In the morning eat citrus fruit, or stewed fruits (figs, prunes), but do not serve the stewed fruits with citrus fruit juices, nor the citrus with a dry cereal." (623-1) "If raw apples are taken, take them and nothing else." (820-2) (Baked or cooked apples can be served with meals.) "Sweets and meats taken at the same meal are preferable to starches and meats. " (Normal Diet Book, p. 14) "Avoid too many heavy meats, not well cooked. Meats taken should preferably be fish, fowl and lamb, bacon (crisp), taken occasionally." (3596-1) "Keep away from red meats, ham, or rare steak or roasts." (3596-1) "No FRIED foods, ..but baked, broiled or roasted." (5269-1) VEGETABLES "The adherence to the use of Carrots, Lettuce and Celery every day at a meal, or portion of a meal, will insure against contagious infectious forces with which the body maybe in contact." (480-17) "Have at least one meal each day that includes a quantity of raw vegetables such as cabbage, leaf lettuce, celery, carrots, onions and the like. Do have plenty of vegetables grown above ground." (2602-1) "Use at least three vegetables that grow above the ground to one that grows under ground." (3373-1) "Eat plenty of lettuce; should always be eaten by almost every body, for this supplies an effluvium (purifier) in the blood stream that is a destructive force to most of those influences that attack the blood stream." (404-6) "The tomato is one vegetable that in most instances preferable to be eaten after being canned, for it is then much more uniform. The reaction from non-canned tomatoes in this body, then, has been to form an acid of its own; though the tomato is among those foods which may be termed non-acid forming." (584-5) "Often use the raw vegetables which are prepared with gelatin. Use them at least three times each week." (3051) "It isn't the vitamin content in gelatin (which is important) but its ability to work with the activities of the glands. It enables the glands to take from what has been absorbed or digested the vitamins ... otherwise inactive if it were not for sufficient gelatin in the body." (849-66) |