why, why why!
why, why, why!
I chose Geocities
because it's FREE! Also, I chose the now-defunt Athens section because I
liked the description: "A community based on education, teaching, reading,
writing and philosophy. Teachers, philosophers, and those interested in
literature will feel at home here." I used to teach to pay graduate
tuition, so the "education" and "teaching" sections apply. I have to
constantly read papers, having spent way too many years in graduate school,
and I have to write write and publish papers for the same reason. The
"philosophy" section may force me to finish reading "Plato: Collected
Dialogues," a compilation of all the works of Plato. It's slow, deep reading,
and since it's something I do in my free time, I don't have the chance to read
much each month.
I've also been trying to write non-scientific works as of late, and
improve my photographic skills. I intend to post what I write. This will
take up more and more of my homepage as time progresses, to justify placing
it in the Athens section.
My user name, pen7cmc, is from my initials (cmc), the major I
had when I was an undergraduate when I received my account at school,
physics/engineering dual degree (pen), and the year I received the
account, 1987 (7). I've stuck with this user name across numerous
computers that I've used here at
school over the last nine years, and I've grown somewhat accustomed
to it. Keeping it the same here on Geocities just makes one less thing
for me to remember! My other choices for user names were Gasper and
junk_char, names I used on FIDOs many, many, many years ago.
That's all for now. I'll type in some more later.
Sun Apr 4 20:41:09 EDT 2004