Welcome to the homepage for the Government Information Web Ring!
To join the Government Information Web Ring, please submit the form below. Then go the ring code page to copy the webring code. Paste this code into your html and make the following changes:
Don't forget to copy the Depository Eagle to your own directory. Do this by right clicking on this image and choosing Save Image. I have named the image depos.gif in the html provided for the webring. If you change the name of the image when you upload it, make sure you change the html accordingly.
Don't be concerned if you get a message from Webring saying the URL you put in is invalid. If you are sure you put it in right, submit the site anyway. Also, don't forget to write down your site id number and remember your password! You need these to make changes to your webring information.
When you have accomplished all of these tasks, email me at kwak@alpha.nsula.edu and I will add you to the ring! If you have any questions or have problems adding your site to the webring, email me with your question.
Government Information Web Ring
Go to Government Information Resources Page
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