Government Documents in Watson Library

The Watson Library at Northwestern State University is a selective depository for U.S. Government Publications. As a selective depository, we are able to tailor our government documents collection to the needs not only of NSU faculty, staff and students; but also the citizens of the Fourth Congressional District. As a medium sized academic, general, four year library, Watson Library currently selects approximately 30 percent of all government publications available through the Federal Depository Library Progam.

The government documents collection has been developed and maintained according to regulations set by the U.S. Government Printing Office as well as the collection development policy of Watson Library. The strengths of the collecting include publications from the Department of Education, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Small Business Administration. Subject areas include population and demography, education, wildlife, labor statistics and forestry as well as judicial, legislative, executive and other governmental resources.

Some government documents have been added to the regular collection and have been assigned a Library of Congress call number, but the majority of these documents reside in the Documents Reading Room on the first floor of the library. Government Documents which have been deemed to have particular reference value have been added to the reference collection and have been assigned a Library of Congress call number. Government documents are received in a variety of print, paper and electronic formats all of which are available for use at Watson Library. Typically, the government documents collection is a non-circulating collection.

For more information about government documents and how they might be useful to you in your research endeavors, please contact Gail Kwak at 357-4466 or; or the Watson Library Reference Desk at 357-4574.

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