A Concise Guide To Differences with the Protestant Church Presented on May 12, 1998

The following is a mostly non argumentative presentation of major points of difference between the Coptic Church and the Protestant Church. It represents a sermon given by H.H. Pope Shenouda III given at a meeting for servants in Alexandria.

   The Issue                                   The Coptic Belief                   The Protestant Belief
The Nature of Christ As Copts we believe in the one nature of Christ which is made of His Divinity and Humanity and did not separate for one second or twinkling of an eye. Protestants believe in two separate natures of Christ; His Divinity and His Humanity.
The Procession of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father. Jn 15:26 The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son.
Sacraments The Apostolic Churches believe in the Seven Holy Sacraments. There are no Sacraments in the Protestant Church. Sometimes the word sacrament is used to pertain to other aspects of the church.
Baptism Baptism for justification Mt 28:19
Necessary for Salvation Mk 16:16
For the forgiveness of sins Act 2:38
Washing away of sins 1Cor 6:11, Act 22:16
Death and Resurrection with Christ Rom 6:2-6
Putting on Christ Gal 3:27, Eph 5:26, Titus 3:5
Baptism for renewal and blessing.
In the Protestant Church when Baptism is done it is symbolic only.. The Protestant Church does not believe in these attributes pertaining to Baptism. It is a symbol of one being a Christian and being among the congregation to participate in worship.
Paedobaptism The Coptic Church practices the Baptism of infants. What will happen if it is God's will that a child should die? What if he/she is not baptized? Baptism is only after a child has approached the age where they believe. Infants are not baptized in the Protestant Church.
Baptism by Immersion Baptism is done by full immersion of the infant in the water. One who is buried with Christ in baptism surely can withstand full immersion. The Baptism of Our Savior was by immersion. Mt 3:13-17. Also see the baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch in Act 8:37-39. In the Protestant Church baptism is done by sprinkling water on top of the head of the believer.
Who Performs Baptism The priesthood. Any Servant
The Holy Myroon A child is blessed by the Holy Spirit by the Myroon at Baptism. The Holy Myroon is used as a vehicle for the Holy Spirit. No office for the Myroon. There is blessed oil which can be administered by anybody including women.
Confession Confession is to be through a member of the Clergy. Confession to God directly.
Communion The Coptic Church focuses on partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ as the main point of every Liturgy. Protestants do not believe in the conversion of bread and wine to the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The break bread in the services but do not acknowledge it as communion of the Holy Body and Blood.
Altar In the Coptic church is the Altar and inner Sanctuary as well as the veil. There is no Communion so there is no Altar or veil.
Direction of Prayer Facing the East during prayers in anticipation of the Lords second coming. Prayer is in any direction
Offices The importance of tradition is in 2 Thess 2:15. Also in Heb 11:4 Abel knew about the righteous sacrifice from tradition as there was no written scripture before that time; likewise in Gen 8:20, Gen 14:18. There are no traditions or offices in the Protestant Church. Often protestants call Coptic priests official or traditional priests.
Services Raising Incense of Vespers, Matins, The Midnight Praise, Agbiya, Psalmody, Synixar, candles are all offices and traditions of the Coptic Church. Since there are no offices there is no incense or any of the things mentioned .
Fasting Fasting
1. There are fasts which are set by the church throughout the year.
2. Likewise individual fasts are permitted with guidance of the father of confession.
3. Fasting involves abstaining and eating of vegan food and fish when permitted.
1. No set fasts.
2. Individual fasts are done or upon the call of a fast for a certain reason in the church.
3. Fast involves only abstaining afterwards any food may be eaten.
Monasticism Monasticism flourishes in the Coptic Church. Bishops are unmarried and celibate. No monasticism in the Protestant Church. No call for celibacy. No Bishops except in the Episcopal Church where all bishops are married and the High Priest is also married.
Feasts The feasts of the saints and occasions are numerous in the Coptic Church. No set feasts for saints.
The Cross The Cross plays an important role in the lives of Copts and in the Church and in Prayer. The cross is always displayed in Coptic Churches. There is no importance placed on making the sign of the cross before or after prayer. The cross is often not displayed in Protestant Churches.
The Lord's Prayer Emphasizing the Lord's Prayer at the start and end of all services and prayers. No importance is placed on ending a prayer with Our Father, prayers usually simply end with Amen.
Priesthood Priesthood is a major part of the Coptic Church. There is no priesthood in the Protestant Church. They believe only Christ is the High Priest and that priesthood ended in the Old Testament with the end of sacrifices. The word priest simply means minister, shepherd, or servant..
Duties of the Priesthood The administration of all of the sacraments is done by the priesthood; Confession, absolution, blessing the congregation etc. Since there is no priesthood the duties which are done by the priesthood are not believed in. For example anyone can bless the congregation for they do not believe in a certain human being blessing the congregation.
Apostolic Canons and Traditions Emphasis is placed on the sayings of the fathers and Apostolic Canons. No canons or traditions. No reliance on the sayings of the fathers for any spiritual matter.
Unction of the Sick. The Unction of the Sick is reserved for the priesthood. Anyone can anoint the sick with oil.
Marriage Marriage is a Holy Sacrament in the Coptic Church. Marriage is a contract tied by an elder of the church.
Prayer for the Dead The Coptic Church has a funeral service which includes litanies and prayers on the dead. The Church beseeches God's mercy on the soul of the departed. There is no prayer for the dead. No litanies are prayed nor do they call on God to repose the soul of the departed or to have mercy on him/her. the presence of the dead in a Protestant Church is to provide a chance for a sermon and to comfort the family of the departed only.
Role of Women The Coptic Church allows women to participate in many services in the church and equates men and women. The priesthood and administration of sacraments are done by ordained priests which are all men. Christ himself did not ordain the most deserving woman of all St. Mary as a priest. Also since the priest is responsible for all the sacraments and plays a critical role in the salvation of the people, there are limitations which would not allow women to have uninterrupted service such as pregnancy. In the Protestant Church women can be priests or elders. Women can baptize and also bless the congregation by laying their hands or otherwise. Women can also give sermons in the Protestant Church.
Intercession Believe strongly in the intercessions of St. Mary, the angels, martyrs and all of the saints. Saints are a blessing in the Coptic Church. All Coptic churches are named after saints. Icons are present reminding us of the holy lives led by these saints and how we can achieve the same. One can also seek the prayers of another who is still living.
See 1 Jn 2:1,2, 2 Thess 3:1, Jas 5:6
No belief in intercession of the saints or Saint Mary whom they consider a normal person, and not a virgin. Saints are not honored. Churches are not named for saints. No icons inside or outside the Church.. Informal pictures of saints passed out for Sunday School depict saints without halos signifying their equality with us.
Christ Ruling the Earth The Coptic Church believes of the interpretation that we are currently in the 1000 years which is not a physical 1000 year. Christ is not an earthly king. Believe that Christ will rule the earth for 1000 years before the second resurrection.
Salvation Our struggle to repent of our sins is a key to salvation and the focus of it as well as God's Grace. God's Grace is the only thing necessary for salvation in the Protestant Church.
Role of Church in Salvation The Sacraments of the Eucharist, Repentance, confession all play major roles in our salvation. The church encompasses these sacraments. Protestants believe in instant salvation. the church and sacraments play no role in the salvation of a person.
Being the Son and Daughter of God By Baptism we become sons and daughter of God. Only faith is necessary to be the son and daughter of God. Sonship is not by baptism only faith.
Salvation One must constantly struggle and repent in anticipation of the Kingdom of Heaven. Absolution, repentance, and the washing of sins is necessary for salvation. Once a person is saved it is permanent. Even if a person sins he/she may fall but will still be saved.