Willkommen! / Welcome!

Hier ist mein neues GeoGästebuch mit erweiterten Einträgen.
Bitte trage Dich hier ein!

This here in my new GeoGuestbook with enhanced entries.
Please sign my guestbook!

Sonetta - 11/26/99 10:44:17
My Email:sonetta@mail.ru
Country: Russland
Age: 24
How did you hear about my page?: Ich hab' ONLINE-Today von 8/98 gekesen
Why did you visit my page?: Ich interessiere mich fuer Linguistik
Is this your first visit?: zum ersten mal


Grace - 01/03/99 16:09:01
My URL:/Athens/Agora/5368
My Email:zenoc@geocities.com
Country: Canada

Hi, Jan:
I don't know how to explain "how am I surpried?" Your pages are really improved much more than I thought. I am afraid I won't be easy to catch your level. Too far to go. Actually, I get a link problem now, I try to solve the problem this time without sking teacher. Still in the hole....
One saying to you : You have made excellent pages!
See you!

glacier98 - 12/06/98 07:18:28
My Email:pachjjd1@dialnet.net
Country: United States
How did you hear about my page?: geocities leader
Why did you visit my page?: I'm just trying to know my neighbors
Is this your first visit?: yes--First Visit


Tai Lee Shyong - 11/19/98 11:21:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/4647
My Email:tlsfile@usa.net
Country: Malaysia
Age: 14
How did you hear about my page?: Long story...
Why did you visit my page?: Just curious what's in your homepage
Is this your first visit?: Yes.
What contents would you like to find here?: Well... I have no idea for this moment

Well... Your homepage is ok... I will rate you 9/10... There's no perfection because there's always home for improvement.

Mary - 11/15/98 19:02:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/aegean/9700
My Email:mntncolor@yahoo.com
Country: Colorado, USA
Age: 27
How did you hear about my page?: Just browsing the CL page!
Why did you visit my page?: Browsing CL pages
Is this your first visit?: yes

Hi! I am an Athens Community Leader in training. I may actually turn to you for JavaScript advice!

Tristan Dietz - 11/11/98 19:55:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/hollow/5455
My Email:genisged1@geocities.com
Country: US of A!!!
Age: ****
How did you hear about my page?: Geocities
Why did you visit my page?: HTML
Is this your first visit?: Today
What contents would you like to find here?: Picture gallery


Paul M Waters - 10/28/98 12:26:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Crete/3096 (still new at this)
My Email:pamawa@geocities.com
Country: Norway
Age: 34
How did you hear about my page?: Community leaders list
Why did you visit my page?: Saw the word "linguistics"!
Is this your first visit?: Yes - but probably also yes...

I studied Linguistics at Reading with Frank Palmer, Peter Trudgill & co. Seems a long time ago, now, but I'm still interested ... Do send me a mail...

10/25/98 12:10:52
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Derek Brett Wohlgemuth - 09/17/98 18:51:21
My Email:derekwohlgemuth@hotmail.com
Country: U.S.
Age: 18
How did you hear about my page?: On a web search under "Wohlgemuth
Why did you visit my page?: same last name
Is this your first visit?: 1st
What contents would you like to find here?: pictures


Cindy - 09/07/98 14:43:48
My URL: [removed]
My Email:[removed]
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my [removed] site :-)
Thanks, Cindy
[Links removed by ~wohli because they pointed to inappropriate (pornographic) content.]

- 09/05/98 19:01:41


Alexandra Renner - 07/28/98 20:31:11
My Email:mr130197@aol.com
Alter/Age: 29
Das ist mein erster Besuch hier und ich bin sehr gespannt, was mich noch so erwartet.
Zum Thema Sprachen: Wer hat Ideen zu Englischunterricht in der Grundschule (Material, Spiele usw.) Bin für jeden Hinweis dankbar.

Jochen - 07/24/98 21:59:50
My Email:jochen.buettgenbach@okay.net
Alter/Age: 27
Hallo Jan, ich bin gerade dabei den bericht über GeoCities in der ONLINE TODAY zu lesen.Da ich noch neu im internet bin aber bald auch gerne eine hompage hätte bin ich an GeoCities sehr interesiet. heute wollte ich aber erstmal ein bißchen rumstöbern, aber werde wohl bald mal auf deine hilfe angewiesen sein. OK also bis dann mal Jochen

Jan Ruckstuhl - 06/17/98 13:05:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Midfield/4805
My Email:jan.ruckstuhl@ksh.edu
Alter/Age: 17
Funny Page

Tychia Fry - 06/12/98 01:31:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/7152
My Email:Titanium@alloymail.com
Alter/Age: 15
I tried to make some sense out of your frame page, and I must say it is a little difficult to understand. Thanx for signing my guestbook. It is cool to have an entry from Germany (I live in Montana in the United States)! You should regester your page w th some search engines to get more hits on it!

Tony - 06/07/98 22:29:11
Banner surf'n and caught your wave .
Email Me @ alligator77002@geocities.com
Visit me @ http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/9166 :)

Brad Wolgamott - 05/25/98 22:20:25
My Email:wolgamottbr@lsb.state.ok.us
Alter/Age: 32
Nice page. I was just out looking for people with my last name.

Anne - 05/22/98 09:42:47
My Email:wir97ffr@studserv.uni-leipzig.de
Alter/Age: 18
hi, vielleicht erinnerst du dich noch? wir haben uns in leipzig, auf dem 23. stuts kennengelernt. ich wollte nur mal hallo sagen. vielleicht hast du ja lust zu antworten? bis dann anne...

Jan Wohlgemuth - 05/05/98 17:30:28
My Email:jawo@private.dk
Alter/Age: 33

Mario Hubak - 04/27/98 07:50:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Breakers/8093/
My Email:morduna@geocities.com
Alter/Age: 20
Wirklich gut und wahrheitsgetreu geschrieben. Schade ist nur, dass Du so wenige Besucher hattest. Deshalb werde ich auf meiner HP ein Link zu Deiner machen. Es würde mich freuen, wenn Du mal bei mir vorbeischauen würdest. Ich habe auch einiges über Kroati n als Reiseziel.

JanWo - 01/09/98 23:04:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~wohli/
My Email:janwo@geocities.com
Alter/Age: 23
First entry, huh? ;-) just testing... -jw-

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