it's great to seize the day, but what do you do with it afterwards?<p>

it's great to seize the day, but what do you do with it afterwards?

it's great to seize the day, but what do you do with it afterwards?

is life like tennis, where an elite few deliberately complicate the rules to keep plebians from advancing? Or is it more like basketball, where a game once primarily for enjoyment on rainy days has been transformed into a game of the greatest skill by a c hallengingm highly motivated,proactive, competitve public.

Or is a life a game of cricket? Noone understands what it is or how it's really played but a few, but everyone has a general idea of the concept.

Or is it a game of velcro slamming? Pointless.

Or bungee jumping? All the skills come before the action - in making the decisios to jump or not. No inherent skills in jumping that not everybody can do. Self satisfying momentarily, not really benefitting anyone else.

Costing a lot for a brief period of gratification.

Or is it one big game of Water Polo? Underwater and tough, but if accomplished well, very rewarding.

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Vaulter since 22 April 1996