The Wait is Over (or is it?)
Samuel Becket's Waiting for Godot, will be performed on Saturday, May
25, at 8 p.m. at the Cultural Activities Center. This play will be the
directing debut for American History teacher, Mike Horner. "After handling
technical responsibilities in six plays,... I was made an offer I couldn't
refuse. Shahn McGuire, THS Theater Arts Director, offered to be my technical
director if I would direct a play."
Once offered the opportunity to direct, Mr. Horner had little trouble
deciding which play he would stage. "Waiting for Godot is one of the
masterpieces of twentieth century theater.... I thought it a play our actors
would enjoy performing and local audiences would enjoy viewing."
The premise of Waiting for Godot is, what else? two men waiting
for Godot (rhymes with judo). Horner disagrees with the critic who described
Waiting for Godot as "a play in which nothing happens, twice." Becket
labeled his play a "tragicomedy". Horner expounded by calling it a somewhat
absurd play that "movingly depicts the fundamental dilemma of man's attempt to
give meaning to his existence." As for the message of the play, Horner feels
that it will be different for the individual viewer.
The play stars Kyle Fischer as Estragon and James Wright as Vladimir. Brian
Mabry plays Lucky; Javier Ahuero, Pozzo; and Mehta has the distinguished (and
in his words, "lead 'roll'") of "a boy" The Crew is headed by technical
director C.S. Mcguire. Katy Lawson is stage manager, with Beth Woodrum as
assistant. Bryan Davis and Chad Duffer are in charge of props. Heather
Valdez is doing costumes, makeup, and hair. Margret Crabtree is master
electrician. The sound technicians are Tommy Massey and Scott Stoebner. Chad
Cosper is lighting technician. Chris McFarland is the master carpenter, and
last, but not least, Jill Grobowsky has the all-important dute, the house