Hard-Boiled style and settings are present in films mainly since the early 30's. Film Noir was coined after WW2, in France, to name these black and white films dealing with gangsters, PIs and central characters struggling with a corrupted world; the term was specifically used for films having a content overpassing simple descriptions of violence or of the gangster world. Quality in directing, acting and scripts was often the mark of this breed of first class films, qualified as Noir.

Later, the HB/Noir type of films was to be found as well in cinematographic genres, totally different from the detective/mystery settings.
All along, since they early days, HB/Noir films of any genre were often directed by some of the best creators America had at the time.

We will not duplicate what is already available on-line, somewhere else on the WEB, neither do we try here to be encyclopedic or comprehensive for films belonging to the domain of HB/Noir.
Also, we do not consider that just being HB with no other merit is a sufficient qualification to justify close attention or a long analysis.
The American film industry produces already so many low quality films of any genre, being promoted as top productions, that underlining all past and present real achievements of some film creators becomes an urgent necessity.
This is what we are trying to do here, in our films pages.



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Copyright © 1997-2002 E.Borgers for texts and setup.
See front page of WEBORGERS - Hard-Boiled Mysteries - for complete disclaimer.
Most recent revision: 10 March 2002

Plaque for Athens 684 courtesy of: Athens Plaques and Scrolls-