Follow these easy to understand instructions and you can be the proud owner of your very own crocodile in no time at all.
To know why this work, you have to understand a bit of basic psychology of the crocodile. The crocodile is not only a ferocious, malevolent supplier of handbags and shoes, but are also very curious. This is very important to remember. The second fact one has to keep in mind when going on such a crocodile hunt, is that a crocodile get bored very easily.
Go to the place where you have seen the crocodiles and select a nice comfortable spot, preferably in the sun. If you opted for the towel and bathing suit, get dressed before-hand!. We are here to catch a crocodile, not to get arrested for cruelty to animals. Use suntan lotion liberally and put on your sunglasses, one can never be too safe these days what with that hole in the ozone and all the ultra-violent rays about.
Throw out the towel and put the pillow on the one end. Pick the spot and the angle so that you will be able to keep a carefull eye on the crocodiles, but without the crocs seeing you watching them. Now comes the tricky part. Open the book and make as if you are reading, but don't! You have to stay awake! Then, slowly, slowly, nod of and pretend to fall asleep. Now keep a weary slit of an eye on the crocodile.....
The crocodile will see your preparations and, being the curious creature that it is, will slow swim nearer and try and see what you are doing. And then it will notice the book! Slowly it will come nearer and eventually, as a kind of prelude to a the tasty snack, will read what you have been reading. And promptly fall asleep, getting bored so very easily.
This is the moment!
Blitz-snel, quickly and fast grab the monocular and tweezer! Turn the monocular around and while looking through the wrong end, pick the tiny croc up with the tweezer and put it into the matchbox.
You are now the proud owner of your very own crocodile. BUT REMEMBER - a pet is for life. Feed it regularly and take it for walks. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR MOTHER TO MAKE A HANDBAG!
Please let us know what you and your crocodile has done today.
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